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Windowed Mode


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I've run into a little dilemma.



I'm doing a little experiment with Oblivion, asking myself why I find my game crashing or becoming unresponsive after a brief Alt + Tab out.


I've found that if the game is run in Windowed mode, then alt+tabbing doesn't seem to affect it at all. The only issue I have, is resizing the window.

(Plus I can heighten the graphics quality without a big loss of frame rates. HAPPY DAYS!)



Currently a Windows Vista 64bit - But finding myself unable to resize the actual window. Right Clicking the task bar at the bottom does nothing, just puts me back into the game.

Tried CTRL+Right Click - Works in a sense, but then I don't want to cascade windows or close groups.



So, when playing in windowed mode, I'm cut across my two monitors slightly :P quite an inconvenience.






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I've just left mine alt-tabbed for 20minutes and it didn't crash. The game is remarkably unstable due to the engine. I hear FO3 is the same, but haven't played it.


Hopefully that's fixed in Skyrim, and they add a little bit of realism to it.

I.E. I hope I can't sit under the nose of a guard in a dark room without them noticing my presence less than half an inch away from them.

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