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looking for a good horse mod


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So for various reasons I don't really ride around on my horse. Partially because I like to be able to stop and pick every plant I come by, and also because I'm playing an archer/assassin sneaky type character and just riding up to people tends to get me beat in the face, lol.


But I do like the idea of having a horse along with my to carry extra loot (especially after I cleaned out some fort ruins, went back to town to unload, got back to the ruins and the damn thing was taken over by the imperial legion and all the loot was gone, including the "boss chest", it was very sad). So I've been using the revised horses mod. I can tell my horse to follow me, and I can have him carry loots. I was just wondering if there was anything better out there. I saw the convenient horses mod, but it doesn't seem to really do what I want. It seems to be primarily about followers, which I also don't use (for the same reasons as above, plus it's rather hard to fire a bow into melee combat).


I would also LOVE a mod that adds a stamina bar for when riding my horse. I do use it when traveling long distances (I don't use fast travel), but not getting to see his stamina is kind of annoying. Especially as it recovers quicker if you don't completely drain it.


Any suggestions?

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for me it sounds like convinient horses does exactly what you want.

with the mod installed you can harvest plants while mounted, talk to ppl, bash opponents, change stamina or infact any stat of your horse, having it fallow or not, your choice and changable on the fly, carrying your loot, even can set access range for that, change appearance, and other stuff. the fallower improvement is good, but only a small part of the mod.


i highly recommend you to check it out. you wont regret it.


for me convinient horses is THE horse mod, and i never would start a playthrough without, unless im 100% sure my character wont use any horse at all.


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Ok, after playing with convient horses for a few min, I will say that I do really like it. The only two gripes I have about it are that you have the set the weight limit for the horse yourself (I like things balanced/on the hard side, so I don't want my horse to be able to carry an unlimited amount of stuff, I just set it to what it is for revised horses, 800lbs), and that it always plays the start/stop follow animation. But I'll deal.

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Ok, yeah, the more I play with it, the more I'm really liking convenient horses :-) The ONLY thing it doesn't do that I would like, is show my horses stamina while I'm riding/sprinting on it. Other than that, it does everything I want. And it also didn't require yet another script plugin (I already had SKSE of course, but then the other horse mod I was using also required Scriptdragon).

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I'm pretty sure you can disable the animations for whistling for your horse and/or waving at it so it'll wait/follow in the MCM. I used to use CH, but switched to IH because of the lighter script load and the summoning horses from nowhere for your followers was kind of odd.

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