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nif file in bsa but still getting exclamation in game?


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I downloaded Shezries Towns and installed it and decided that I liked it but didn't want all those directories+files that it creates. So I used bsa commander and packed them into a single bsa file called "ShzT.bsa" then i added a entry in the "oblivion.ini" file in the section "Archive>sArchiveList=" (the entire line is less than 200 chars long).


When i start oblivion and goto any of the towns there is, i get those missing model/exclamation signs all over.


Is there a file size limit using the bsa format??? (this bsa file is 500mb)

Should i keep directories with bsa files separate...such a one bsa file for all textures and one bsa file for all sounds etc.....


The current bsa dir structure is...







I have also tried the archiveinvalidation.bsa and i also tried OblivionModManagers redirection option.


I also noticed that bsa commander also has archive registration option and I tried that but no go.


Any help would be cool.

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Rename the BSA to match that of one of your active ESPs. Naming it after a Shezrie town would make the most sense but any will work.


Example: Oblivion - ShezT.BSA will work just fine since the prefix of the BSA name exactly matches an active ESP/ESM.

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Also check the file page, there was a fix for a missing mesh posted that you might need. It could be in the wrong place in the bsa or directed wrong in the esp.


Posting your issue there would probably get the best result.

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@buddah How do you turn of "Archive invalidation" of/on in OBMM?


@Smooth613 I renamed the bsa file to "ShezriesTownsMaster.bsa" which is the equivalent of its esp file "ShezriesTownsMaster.esp"


@buddah I have all the latest updates.


I should of mentioned that in it's non bsa format the mod worked perfectly. No missing meshes and everything is the way its meant to be (ie.. no crashes or exclamation/wtf signals during game time ) .


After trying the before mention suggestions , i am still have the same problems.


I also tried un-bsa'ing the compacted file (to test if it got corrupted) and placing all the unpacked files into the data dir, which in turn got everything working as expected again.

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The last statement would have been helpful earlier. disregard what I said. if it works in folders and not in in bsa format, then something in the bsa is causing the issue. What are you using to create the bsa, files ?
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Do you use Cobl? I ask because Shezries Towns conflicts with Cobl manyfold. It also conflicts with some pose mods. There may be others that I don't know of.
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