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OMOD Conversion?


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Hi everyone!


I'm sorry if this is a dumb question or in the wrong place or something. I've about reached my end with OBMM and modding Oblivion at all, so I've come to see if someone can help me before I completely lose it.


So, I installed Oblivion, got all the patches, made sure everything was running and it was great. It was running just fine. I decided to add a few more mods into my game and suddenly it started crashing. So, after a while of trying to figure out what the problem was, I just uninstalled everything and reinstalled. The game is running fine and such, but I went to reset up a few of my mods that were running fine in my last install, but...


I went and redownloaded the .zip file for (this is one of them, but it's in specific) Alternate Start. Last time, I just made an OMOD for it and enabled it in OBMM and it worked just fine! However, now, it doesn't work. There's no OMOD conversion folder in the file and I have no idea how I got it working, but I can't this time for some reason.


Alternate Start isn't the only one.


So, my question is, how the hell do I get mods without a OMOD conversion folder into OBMM? I tried just creating an OMOD with the .zip, but it doesn't work. I also tried just putting all the files into my data folder of my Oblivion game, but that didn't work either.


Also, I can't make animation mods work, either. These didn't work in my first install, either. Don't know why. Advice? My game is completely up-to-date and working fine with other mods, but I'm have just having issues with these two things.


Thanks for your help guys!

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I don't know if this will help, but this is what I see when I look in "OMOD Ready" zips without the conversion files. What do I do with these?




I tried just making it into a OMOD with OBMM, but it didn't work. I had it working just yesterday and then broke everything and now I can't get it to work again. T__T;; No idea how I made it work the first time.

Edited by Kimiie93
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What I see in the picture doesn't make sense to me. +_+ I just looked and there are 12 different "Alternate start" mods, which one did you try?

I just thought of something... Did the specific mod had any other files? Maybe you're supposed to merge the base mod with what you've already downloaded first and then import the, now, single file into OBMM.


Edit: Nvm, do what Striker879 said. I just got confused with your picture because the icons for the folders/files weren't shown.

Edited by Legotrash
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In the OBMM window click on the Create Button and in that dialogue click on the Add Archive button (lower right of the group of buttons in the middle of that dialogue window) and navigate to where you downloaded the mod. If the mod has an omod conversion folder it will use that info ... if not OBMM will try to do it's best at figuring out what goes where (which for some mods will work fine and for others will fail miserably, depending on how the mod was arranged when it was archived).

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See, I did what you're describing, Striker. It didn't work. However, I got it to work with NMM. I think that might be how I got it to work the first time. None of the mods that had no omod conversion data would work for me in OBMM. It let me make the omod out of the files that came in the zip, but the thing just didn't work when activated. Oh well... I got it to work in NMM, so I guess that's a good thing. I got almost everything to work, just not the animation stuff and I decided I didn't care enough to get into it.


Thanks for your help guys!

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Have you tried downloading the archive, unpacking it, restructuring the unpacked folder so that it contains only the things that go in Oblivion data folder and then creating an OMOD from that folder? If the problem is with turning an archive directly into an OMOD?
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I'm pretty sure it wasn't OBMM-ready to begin with since it worked with NMM. I couldn't remember so I just checked an omod-ready archive and there should be a folder named "omod conversion data" with the required data in it. In the screenshot there's no such thing.

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But when the mod is structured so that in a folder there are the things that go in data folder (everything needed), making an OMOD from that folder is possible without OMOD conversion data. So basic mods can be turned into OMODs without conversion data, BAIN-targeted (and other non-simple) ones without it will need to be restructured to be simple before making it an OMOD. Right? Edited by PhilippePetain
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Yeah. In this case the structure is wrong for the reasons you said. :) To turn this into an .omod, the data folder has to be extracted first and then go from OBMM to either "add folder" (so we can add the folder) or by extracting data, opening it and turning into a new archive whatever files it contains.

lol I have to admit though, the screenshot threw me way off just because I can't see the icons. xD

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