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What triggers a certain script to run?


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Wouldn't it be easier for you to (temporarily) install BC and then create an optional patch esp (which removes the tree) to go with your mod for those who use BC?


I tried. My esp has to be loaded before BC otherwise it will overrided BCs terrain. I tried having a second esp loaded after BC that removes the tree, but it had no effect. It doesn't seem possible to remove an object a previously loaded esp adds. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong. Keep in mind I'm more artist than programmer and I'm still learning this stuff. This is what I did: I loaded BC as a plugin and my esp as the active plugin in the CS, then removed the tree, saved. Put my esp after BC in load order. Played the game and the tree is still there.???:huh: :wallbash:

Thanks for the idea though.

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I would load up BC with your mod. Make sure that BC is set first (or before) your mod. Then go to the ginko and remove it. This will make your mod dependent on the BC. Remove the tree and set your clock tower. You can do this as a patch, as hickory mentioned. You do this by making a new esp, load it after your mod, with BC loaded last. Then make your changes and save. This way, you need only the patch esp when running both your mod and BC.
Thanks! I may have some questions, but I'll try it first so I won't have so many. I am wondering if there is an advantage to one method over the other. Both would use only one esp for the entire mod right?


Update: OK, I loaded BC before my mod in Wrye Bash. Went to the editor set BC as a plugin and my mod as active. Removed the tree. Resized the garden border. Here's the strange part, The garden border resized just fine, but the tree is still there. I tried this before, but at the time I didn't know it made a difference when things were loaded while using the CS. This way didn't seem to help. Also keep in mind that the Clocks mod must be loaded before BC, otherwise it will overwrite BC's terrain and maybe other things. When I loaded my changed esp (resizing and deleting the tree), before BC, NOTHING changed.

Update 2: This is crazy. I just tried loading my esp after BC and resizing the tree, and that worked! I can't delete it, but I can resize it down to nothingness :wacko: ???. Like they say, there is more than one way to skin a cat. (nothing against cats :) ) This means I should be able to create an esp to do nothing but resize the tree and border and other plants that are in the way. That is, if I can figure out how to make a new/blank esp that won't overwrite BC's terrain(or anything else) because it must be loaded after. That will likely be a problem for me. The only downside is that now I will have to have 2 esps for this mod. One before, and one after BC. I would rather it be a simpler installation for everyone else's sake.


Thanks Useless ( You aren't)


Edited by oc3
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Ok, I just had a quick look at the BC quests, and this BC and CoC issue is dealt with in the BC Options menu by Script BBCCustomLeyawiinScript. Looks like it's a simple enable/disable toggle.
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Ok, I just had a quick look at the BC quests, and this BC and CoC issue is dealt with in the BC Options menu by Script BBCCustomLeyawiinScript. Looks like it's a simple enable/disable toggle.


Thanks Hickory!

Check out my previous reply to TheUseless. I've had a minor success, but I would rather deal with this through the script than using two esps. Perhaps your input will help me with that. I knew they were using some kind of toggle but I have very little idea how it works. And I still don't know how to get that script to run from another esp.


Their replacer esp for the original clocks of cyrodill ( CLocks of Cyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp), seems to have some clues under Worldspace/Tamriel in TES4 edit. Seems that objects like plates or cups are used as enablers for some of the scripts, just not the one I need. I have no idea why or how all this works. I'm getting closer though. Don't feel too obligated to help unless you just want to. I don't want to be a pest. I will give thanks in my readme if you help solve it though.

Thanks again.

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Their replacer esp for the original clocks of cyrodill ( CLocks of Cyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp), seems to have some clues under Worldspace/Tamriel in TES4 edit. Seems that objects like plates or cups are used as enablers for some of the scripts, just not the one I need. I have no idea why or how all this works.


Yes, the script checks if the CoC replacer esp exists, and if it does, runs the enable/disable toggle script. It's common practice to use out-of-world static objects as 'parent' objects to objects that are initially disabled, like the player house upgrades for instance. Each upgrade has the out-of-world static object as it's parent, and when that is enabled (or disabled), so are the upgrades. How you would go about disabling a BC/CoC world object from *your* mod's script is, unfortunately, beyond my humble scope.

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Their replacer esp for the original clocks of cyrodill ( CLocks of Cyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp), seems to have some clues under Worldspace/Tamriel in TES4 edit. Seems that objects like plates or cups are used as enablers for some of the scripts, just not the one I need. I have no idea why or how all this works.


Yes, the script checks if the CoC replacer esp exists, and if it does, runs the enable/disable toggle script. It's common practice to use out-of-world static objects as 'parent' objects to objects that are initially disabled, like the player house upgrades for instance. Each upgrade has the out-of-world static object as it's parent, and when that is enabled (or disabled), so are the upgrades. How you would go about disabling a BC/CoC world object from *your* mod's script is, unfortunately, beyond my humble scope.


Thanks man! I learned a few things. I'm just wondering how BC knows if the CoC replacer esp exists. I've renamed it and it still works, so it's not the name. Since the replacer is in load order above BC, I'm thinking that the replacer actually triggers something in BC. Or maybe not. Anyway, thanks for the help. If I can't get it to work properly pretty soon, I think I'll call it a day, finish it up, and release it with 2 esps, like I described earlier. Or would such a thing be considered really bad form and tend to tick people off? Let me know what you think on that, you are probably much more in the know than me.

Thanks again.

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Thanks man! I learned a few things. I'm just wondering how BC knows if the CoC replacer esp exists. I've renamed it and it still works, so it's not the name. Since the replacer is in load order above BC, I'm thinking that the replacer actually triggers something in BC. Or maybe not. Anyway, thanks for the help. If I can't get it to work properly pretty soon, I think I'll call it a day, finish it up, and release it with 2 esps, like I described earlier. Or would such a thing be considered really bad form and tend to tick people off? Let me know what you think on that, you are probably much more in the know than me.

Thanks again.


BC does check if the CoC esp exists by name:

If ( IsModLoaded "ClocksOfCyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp" )

But remember, BC has multiple install posibilities, so the checks are probably numerous, too. The load order is irrelevent when a script checks for a loaded module.


If you release your mod as base and patch, which there is nothing wrong with and happens all the time (look at UL), you really have to make sure that the patch does exactly what it's supposed to do, and nothing more, or you're going to have a lot of irate users screaming at you if it breaks games. FWIW, I don't think rescaling objects is a viable patch, because of collision issues. And you have to take your path gridding into account, too.

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Thanks man! I learned a few things. I'm just wondering how BC knows if the CoC replacer esp exists. I've renamed it and it still works, so it's not the name. Since the replacer is in load order above BC, I'm thinking that the replacer actually triggers something in BC. Or maybe not. Anyway, thanks for the help. If I can't get it to work properly pretty soon, I think I'll call it a day, finish it up, and release it with 2 esps, like I described earlier. Or would such a thing be considered really bad form and tend to tick people off? Let me know what you think on that, you are probably much more in the know than me.

Thanks again.


BC does check if the CoC esp exists by name:

If ( IsModLoaded "ClocksOfCyrodiil_BC_OBC_OC_OCLR_Vanilla.esp" )

But remember, BC has multiple install posibilities, so the checks are probably numerous, too. The load order is irrelevent when a script checks for a loaded module.


If you release your mod as base and patch, which there is nothing wrong with and happens all the time (look at UL), you really have to make sure that the patch does exactly what it's supposed to do, and nothing more, or you're going to have a lot of irate users screaming at you if it breaks games. FWIW, I don't think rescaling objects is a viable patch, because of collision issues. And you have to take your path gridding into account, too.


Wow, I didn't know of the name check you mentioned. I promise you though, even in the install instructions from BC, the replacer MUST be installed first. If is is not, as far as I can tell if you don't the only problem is that the terrain is higher than it should be in certain areas. E.I Bruma.


Instead of scaling, what if I just moved the objects below the terrain? It seems that the clock replacer did a lot of that from looking at the CS. Tons of stuff was moved like -3000 units. I really don't know that much about paths, but as long as the reduced object is either inside a building or under the ground, will it matter? Really dumb Noob question alert!!!:excl: :ohmy:


Also, one last question, When I'm running CS the terrain is misplaced( too high). In the game it is fine. I've change load orders, reloaded CS, and nothing changes. It's like the stock terrain is overwriting the BC terrain for some reason, but BC is loaded dead last.


Thanks for letting me pick your brain. And thanks for your time.


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Wow, I didn't know of the name check you mentioned. I promise you though, even in the install instructions from BC, the replacer MUST be installed first. If is is not, as far as I can tell if you don't the only problem is that the terrain is higher than it should be in certain areas. E.I Bruma.


Instead of scaling, what if I just moved the objects below the terrain? It seems that the clock replacer did a lot of that from looking at the CS. Tons of stuff was moved like -3000 units. I really don't know that much about paths, but as long as the reduced object is either inside a building or under the ground, will it matter? Really dumb Noob question alert!!!:excl: :ohmy:


Also, one last question, When I'm running CS the terrain is misplaced( too high). In the game it is fine. I've change load orders, reloaded CS, and nothing changes.


Thanks for letting me pick your brain. And thanks for your time.



Yes, the replacer must be loaded first, but that doesn't effect the script check, only the 'last mod wins' thing -- BC must always be very late, almost after everything else, in the load order because of it's wide-ranging impact on all sorts of things, like the land you mentioned.


Remind me of why you can't just remove the items in your patch instead of moving them? All your patch would need to do is run after CoC -- BC might enable them, but unless BC carries duplicates that shouldn't matter. Moving it way below ground should work, but seems half-hearted to me.


Re. your last question: that is because of the conflict between your mod and BC. It is OK in-game because BC loads after yours, and 'last in load order wins' comes into effect.

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Wow, I didn't know of the name check you mentioned. I promise you though, even in the install instructions from BC, the replacer MUST be installed first. If is is not, as far as I can tell if you don't the only problem is that the terrain is higher than it should be in certain areas. E.I Bruma.


Instead of scaling, what if I just moved the objects below the terrain? It seems that the clock replacer did a lot of that from looking at the CS. Tons of stuff was moved like -3000 units. I really don't know that much about paths, but as long as the reduced object is either inside a building or under the ground, will it matter? Really dumb Noob question alert!!!:excl: :ohmy:


Also, one last question, When I'm running CS the terrain is misplaced( too high). In the game it is fine. I've change load orders, reloaded CS, and nothing changes.


Thanks for letting me pick your brain. And thanks for your time.



Yes, the replacer must be loaded first, but that doesn't effect the script check, only the 'last mod wins' thing -- BC must always be very late, almost after everything else, in the load order because of it's wide-ranging impact on all sorts of things, like the land you mentioned.


Remind me of why you can't just remove the items in your patch instead of moving them? All your patch would need to do is run after CoC -- BC might enable them, but unless BC carries duplicates that shouldn't matter. Moving it way below ground should work, but seems half-hearted to me.


Re. your last question: that is because of the conflict between your mod and BC. It is OK in-game because BC loads after yours, and 'last in load order wins' comes into effect.


Yes, the reason that I can't just remove the items is... and it may not technically be a 'patch', but any esp I have created which loads in game after BC WILL NOT remove the tree, and I suspect other items also. However it will let me move/resize things.


Regarding the CS, Is there any way to fix the terrain issue, or do I have to resort to trial and error to position things? In other words, start the game to see where things are?

Thanks so much.

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