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Game keeps crashing even after installing the unnoficial patch


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as said in topic my game keeps crashing making it impossible to play.

usually about a minute in the game but sometimes even on the main menu :S.



AMD phenom II x4 840 processor 3.20

8gb ram

AMD radeon HD 6500(with latest drivers) 2gb

671GB free 260 used



it is located in the default map

version 1.9 except for the unofficial updats i installed which are latest versions

got all official dlc's(got 'm as i wanted extras for a new fresh playtrough disabling 'm for a test did nothing to help the issue)

i'm using nmm 0.60.0A


non unofficial patch mod i have is

unp blessed bodies


loot log:






  - type: say

    content: "[Latest LOOT thread](http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1516193-rel-loot-thread-18/)."

  - type: say

    content: Your SKSE is up-to-date.


  - name: Skyrim.esm

    version: ""

    crc: 3328572758

    isActive: true

    loadsBSA: false

    isGlobalPriority: false

    modPriority: 0



    isDirty: false

    tags: ~

    isEmpty: false

  - isDirty: true

    version: ""

    crc: 3853941722

    name: Update.esm

    isEmpty: false

    isActive: true

    loadsBSA: true


      - type: warn


          - str: Contains 92 ITM records and 3 deleted references. Clean with [TES5Edit](http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859).

            lang: en

        condition: ""

    modPriority: -999999

    isGlobalPriority: true


      - condition: ""

        name: C.Location

      - condition: ""

        name: Delev

      - condition: ""

        name: Invent

      - name: Relev

        condition: ""

  - isDirty: false

    name: Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

    version: 2.1.1

    crc: 652037037

    isEmpty: false

    isActive: true

    loadsBSA: true



    isGlobalPriority: true

    modPriority: -999000


      - condition: ""

        name: C.Acoustic

      - name: C.Climate

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Encounter

      - condition: ""

        name: C.ImageSpace

      - name: C.Light

        condition: ""

      - name: C.Location

        condition: ""

      - name: C.Music

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Name

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Owner

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Water

      - condition: ""

        name: Delev

      - name: Graphics

        condition: ""

      - name: Invent

        condition: ""

      - name: Names

        condition: ""

      - name: Relev

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Sound

      - name: Stats

        condition: ""

  - name: Dawnguard.esm

    version: ""

    crc: 3178417395

    loadsBSA: true

    isActive: true

    isEmpty: false

    modPriority: -999000

    isGlobalPriority: true


      - content:

          - lang: en

            str: Contains 619 ITM records, 82 deleted references and 57 deleted navmeshes. Clean with [TES5Edit](http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859).

        condition: ""

        type: warn

    isDirty: true


      - condition: ""

        name: C.Location

      - condition: ""

        name: Delev

      - name: Graphics

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Invent

      - condition: ""

        name: Names

      - condition: ""

        name: Sound

  - name: Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

    version: 2.1.1

    crc: 646345431

    isActive: true

    isEmpty: false

    modPriority: -999000

    loadsBSA: true

    isGlobalPriority: true


      - condition: ""

        name: C.Climate

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Encounter

      - name: C.Location

        condition: ""

      - name: C.Name

        condition: ""

      - name: Delev

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Graphics

      - name: Invent

        condition: ""

      - name: Names

        condition: ""

      - name: Sound

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Stats



    isDirty: false

  - isDirty: true

    version: ""

    name: HearthFires.esm

    crc: 2944585322

    isActive: true

    loadsBSA: true

    isEmpty: false

    modPriority: -999000


      - content:

          - str: Contains 184 ITM records, 11 deleted references and 5 deleted navmeshes. Clean with [TES5Edit](http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859).

            lang: en

        type: warn

        condition: ""

    isGlobalPriority: true


      - condition: ""

        name: C.Location

      - name: Graphics

        condition: ""

      - name: Invent

        condition: ""

  - isDirty: false

    name: Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

    version: 2.1.1

    crc: 4094254691

    isActive: true

    modPriority: -999000

    loadsBSA: true

    isGlobalPriority: true

    isEmpty: false




      - condition: ""

        name: C.Climate

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Location

      - name: C.Owner

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Water

      - name: Graphics

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Invent

      - condition: ""

        name: Names

      - condition: ""

        name: Sound

      - name: Stats

        condition: ""

  - name: Dragonborn.esm

    crc: 2851617791

    isActive: true

    version: ""

    isEmpty: false

    loadsBSA: true

    isGlobalPriority: true

    modPriority: -999000


      - content:

          - lang: en

            str: Contains 61 ITM records, 8 deleted references and 1 deleted navmeshes. Clean with [TES5Edit](http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859).

        condition: ""

        type: warn


      - condition: ""

        name: C.Location

      - condition: ""

        name: Graphics

      - name: Invent

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Names

    isDirty: true

  - name: Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

    crc: 412071773

    isActive: true

    version: 2.1.1

    loadsBSA: true

    modPriority: -999000

    isEmpty: false



    isGlobalPriority: true


      - condition: ""

        name: C.Climate

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Encounter

      - condition: ""

        name: C.Location

      - name: C.Music

        condition: ""

      - name: C.Name

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Delev

      - condition: ""

        name: Graphics

      - condition: ""

        name: Invent

      - name: Names

        condition: ""

      - name: Sound

        condition: ""

      - condition: ""

        name: Stats

    isDirty: false

  - name: HighResTexturePack01.esp

    isActive: true

    crc: 3583438890

    version: ""

    loadsBSA: true

    modPriority: -999000

    isEmpty: true

    tags: ~

    isGlobalPriority: true



    isDirty: false

  - crc: 3583438890

    name: HighResTexturePack02.esp

    isActive: true

    version: ""

    isEmpty: true

    isGlobalPriority: true

    modPriority: -999000

    loadsBSA: true

    tags: ~



    isDirty: false

  - isEmpty: true

    modPriority: -999000

    loadsBSA: true



    tags: ~

    isGlobalPriority: true

    isDirty: false

    name: HighResTexturePack03.esp

    crc: 3583438890

    version: ""

    isActive: true

  - name: Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

    crc: 132891970

    isActive: true

    version: 1.1.9

    isEmpty: true

    loadsBSA: true

    isGlobalPriority: true

    modPriority: -999000

    isDirty: false



    tags: ~





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Try Boss...


I have the same problem when running LOOT. Some mod gets placed in the wrong location of the load order and even though these programs are aren't exact if I run LOOT I typically crash right when the game starts. If I use BOSS - no issue.


Edit for clarification... This is even after I run Tes5Edit and passes without an error.

Edited by TheHuntress1970
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You can also use TES5Edit to test your load order. Just run it and it will select all your active mods by default. Click OK and it will try to load them. If it finishes then you should be OK as far as required and valid game files. After that a CTD should only be related to vram exhaustion or possibly a papyrus mega error, mod conflict, etc.


TES5Edit is invaluable for a stable Skyrim. I highly recomemend checking out Gopher's channel on Youtube, he has some videos on how to clean mods and has great tips for how to make Skyrim work better.

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will try those suggestions and hope it helps.


for now tho playing another game (a mmo so spend a ton of tie in it but out side of my guilds guild stuff i play other games and also want to note out the guild i smore social than competetive or aimed to reaching endgame stuff fast)

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tried them and nothing helped and as i do not know the programming language of skyrim dunno how i could fix the found errors it says are in the original files. and also new additive with the unoficial patches for dlc i can't move my character at all :S(not with keyboard nor my 360 controller)

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experimented some and seems only intro section has the crash(used old save of previous install) the problem is i wanted to start from scratch with new DLC(not the wagon part but the attack of Alduin on the town and gotten to the point aftr the big jump and where the kid escaoes his flames. Just hope it is not few steps save creash load few steps save crash load till beyond it to finally really play is needed without using old saves :S)

Edited by Merder
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Order your load order as follows then see if you have issues


Skyrim .esM


Unofficial update patch

Dragon born

Unofficial dragon born patch


Unofficial hearth fires patch

Dawn guard

Unofficial dawn guard patch

High resolution texture packs

Unofficial high resolution patch

Unp blessed body


The high res packs will sometimes out of order so double check there order.

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will try and if it doesn't work a friend suggested reinstallign and said it could be a download error which means whatever i try won't fix this issue but hope i don't need

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reinstall was needed *sigh* i HATE when a download goes wrong and makes a game unplayable :S but wish i knew it was partially corrupt download before

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