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Work Bench fix for altered timescales


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I have the timescale on 8 as I think it feels more natural than the default 30, plus I'm using Primary Needs, which also more or less makes it necessary to lower the timescale. The only issue I have with it that I've noticed is that using the Work Bench becomes very glitchy. As often as not the game gets suspended just after doing something that takes time - nothing happens and I can't do anything except reload the save and try again. But if I change the timescale to the default 30 before using the Work Bench, it works perfectly, so the issue seems to be connected to an altered timescale.


Would it be possible to make it so that the timescale is changed to 30 when close to a work bench - and then switches back to the altered timescale when stepping back from it? I guess the issue might be to check which timescale you actually are using before changing it to 30, so it can change it back correctly.


Anyway, I'd love a small mod that did this as it's a bit "immersion breaking" and also slightly cumbersome to alter the timescale via the console every time I'm going to use the work bench. I'm not knowledgeable enough with scripting to know how to make it myself, though.

Edited by Arkngt
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