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npc mages on legendary difficulty


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So I'm playing on legendary difficulty, as I like a good challenge. And I'm playing a sneaky archer/assassin type. For the most part I'm doing ok, sneak attack with my bow, then hide till they stop looking for me, repeat till they're dead. However I'm having a problem with mage type npcs. They all seem to have an inexhaustible supply of magika and instant heal spells. I can't fight them face to face, because they will just own me with magic, even if I dodge and weave, they don't just out so they will eventually just kill me (usually pretty quickly too). And I can't fight from the shadows, because as soon as they are under half health, they just heal themselves up full. I mean fighting dragons is hard enough and requires some tricksy maneuvering, but at least they don't heal. Anybody else having issues with this, and if so, how do you deal with it?

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I cannot for the life of me remember the thread title on Reddit.. but NPC mages have a magicka regen rate that is ludicrous. There is an INI fix that will allow you to adjust this, but I did it a while back and cannot remember the actual INI text, sorry.


My NPC mages now have regen closer to PC mages, and the machine gun spell spam is gone.



found it!




Edited by TeofaTsavo
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Thanks, I'll look into those settings. And yeah, paralyze poison/enchantment is what I was thinkin. Get a good paralyze enchangted bow to be my mage slayer :p It's not even the endless magika or ungodly spell power that gets me as much as everyone being able to instant heal, that just gets old.

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Canis root, Imp stool, Mora Tapinella. Paralyze + Lingering Damage Health. Sap them while they're down even if you don't directly harm them after the dose.


The imp stool is the key ingredient. Netch jelly can be subb'd for Canis root. Orange dartwing or slaughterfish bits can sub for the tapinella. DON'T sub swamp fungal pods, as it'll add a counteractive Restore Health effect.

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