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How Can I Tell If The Mods Are Installed?


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Installed Mods:

That SKSE thing...



Supreme and Voumetric Fog



True Storms



Amazing Follower Tweaks



Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel



A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads



Dibellas Compulsion - Nude Spell



Become High King of Skyrim



I'm mostly wondering about the weather mods as I notice no difference. I just started play Skyrim on PC and haven't really seen the normal effects as to what they're supposed to be in the mod. However, I have checked out the videos of it, and my game looks nothing of the likings...


Maybe they're incompatible with something else I've got? Probably not, though. Game would probably crash if so, yes?

Edited by Foqsi
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Hello Foqsi,


I'll try to answer your question as best as I can and keep in mind that my answer only refers to using the Nexus Mod Manager, but how you can tell depends on the mod.


If a mod has what is called an .esp file then it is easy to tell if they are installed AND active by looking for it under the Plugins tab. There the mod should be listed and you want to make sure the box is checked.


This is a common step to miss and even veterans occasionally forget to do this.


If a mod lacks an .esp file (much like many replacer mods such as texture replacers and/or mesh replacement type mods) then that can be a little bit more tricky. For that, you would have to know what you're looking for so if you have a mod that replaces a texture for a weapon, you would likely find the file in Data - > [/b]textures[/b] - > weapons


BUT, the BEST thing you can do in all cases to figure this out is to read the description of a mod thoroughly and if that doesn't work out go to their comment section (and now possibly the bug section) and pick out a word or two that would seem key to your issue and do a search.


There's a good chance the issue/question as already been stated and addressed.


I hope this helps you out. Good luck and take care.

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