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Adrenaline Oblivion and OOO


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I'm trying to get OOO's new monsters to work with Adrenaline Oblivion.I like AO, I like having more spawns in my game, it makes the game more challenging and the battles feel much larger.But I also like the new monsters that OOO adds.Like the hellhound, the seducer, the hungers, the shadow wolves, mystical imps, crazed imps, gargoyles, the bog ogres, those weird forest spirit thingies which use the spriggan's model and anything else I left out.Adrenaline Oblivion takes away all of these spawns and only laves you with default vanilla spawns like scamps and regular imps and wolves.What I want is for these to remain in AO while still having the increased spawns.I know it has something to do with wrye bashing and the bashed patch but since I'm not exactly skilled at using wrye bash I don't know what tags I should add or what I should import/export or what.So can someone please help me figure out how I can get the OOO monsters with Adrenaline Oblivion?
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The only thing I can suggest, since I don't know Adrenaline Oblivion is to override the BOSS load order in your userlist.txt, so that OOO loads after AO, not before as the current BOSS list suggests. It might not work though -- I can't recall if OOO overrides vanilla spawn rates etc. Must be worth a try, though.
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When loading OOO after AO OOO does indeed override the increased spawns from AO and all you get are the OOO spawn rates.


Oh, right. Thanks for clarifying that.

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