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Expert fnv edit or geck advice needed: think I've bricked my mod

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I can't think of what I changed to cause this, but I made some slight change on my mod and now my game crashes/freezes at screenload. I've invested wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much time to have to even start back at an earlier version.
hIs there ANYONE that really knows the ins and outs of fnv edit or geck that might be able to give me some adivce on what to look for that might be the cause????? i'd hate for this to be the end of my mod.


PLEASE help me try and find the cause... this represents a massive amount of time, energy and days spent out of the beautiful South Florida sun.

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WooWooWoo... calm down. I've destroyed my fair share of self made mods to help. OK, what were the last few changes you made. If the game is crashing at load, then it seems like you must have deleted something using fnv edit from your mods archive, probably something important like an ESM. Can you still load your mod into the GECK? That's the important part right there!!

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Well.. first...thank you for the response. I can load with FNV EDIT, GECK and GECK POWERUP. But every time I go to load in FNV... crash at opening screen (before you get to New game, etc.)

I went through FNV Edit to correct as many of the "deleted references" (and disable them) as I could find..and created a new esp from that... no dice, crash at load up. I went through 10 backups esps that had worked fine before.

Also, I was literally at the start of a new run through of the mod when it just crashed...and haven't been able to get be ack in since.

I backed up my files, deleted everyting.. and tried reinstalling back from the files I uploaded to nexus. Got the initial main files working but the updates won't work - even though only one other person has had a problem installing the updates.


So, I don't get it. And I don't know what else to do. I still have a number of navmesh issues to fix but that shouldnt (and wasn't causing a crash before) - be what's causing this problem now.

I can upload the files (both the 2.9 version I'm working on and a 'sanitized version/cleaned in FNVEDIT) I can upload if that will help.

As an additional background note: I had an issue where strangely two esm's got attached to the esp as masters but I went through the instructions to fix it and the next 20 or so game restarts, etc. never had an issue.

Also, I reorganized some of the main files in an effort to clean things up, delete some didn't need and streamline things a bit... and again, 10 loads or more later - still no problems. ???

And literally, between the last working version (which doesnt work now) and the ones where the crashes started... I only moved a few things around...I didn't delete or alter anything.

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WooWooWoo... calm down. I've destroyed my fair share of self made mods to help. OK, what were the last few changes you made. If the game is crashing at load, then it seems like you must have deleted something using fnv edit from your mods archive, probably something important like an ESM. Can you still load your mod into the GECK? That's the important part right there!!

I've also tried installing the texture/mesh files from 2.5B/C but not the esp. Crash. I've tried deleting and reinstalling it a couple of different ways but it won't let me past my 2.2 build. But literally, NO ONE ELSE has run into this problem before now..well, one person did. So, it doesnt make any sense.

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Final error messages in FNVEDIT:

[00:00] Checking for Errors in [01] RestorationMovement.esp
[00:01] BlackbriarMiningConveyorBelt [sCOL:01024728]
[00:01] SCOL \ Parts \ Part \ ONAM - Static -> Found a NULL reference, expected: STAT
[00:02] NCRPrisonBlockC "Cell Block C" [CELL:000D6F5E]
[00:02] CELL -> Record marked as deleted but contains: Editor ID, Name, Flags, Lighting, Light Template, Water Height, Water Noise Texture, Image Space, Ownership, Acoustic Space, Music Type
[00:03] BlackbriarNyaFollowDefault [PACK:01002084]
[00:03] BlackbriarRecipeFOODMRE4 "Bovinhorner & Roasted Carrots MRE" [RCPE:010138F9]
[00:03] RCPE \ Ingredients \ Ingredient \ RCIL - Item -> Found a ACTI reference, expected: ALCH,AMMO,ARMO,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CMNY,IMOD,KEYM,LIGH,MISC,NOTE,WEAP
[00:03] BlackbriarMillRecipes "Industrial Mill Crafting" [RCCT:0100BEEE]
[00:03] RCCT \ DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 1>, <Unknown: 2>, <Unknown: 5>, <Unknown: 6>
[00:03] BlackbriarHempRecipes "Hemp Crafting" [RCCT:0100BEEF]
[00:03] RCCT \ DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 1>, <Unknown: 2>, <Unknown: 6>
[00:03] BlackbriarBrewerRecipes "Brewing" [RCCT:0100BEF0]
[00:03] RCCT \ DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 1>, <Unknown: 2>, <Unknown: 6>
[00:03] BlackbriarRecyclingRecipeCrafting "Recycling & Conversion" [RCCT:0100BEF5]
[00:03] RCCT \ DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 1>, <Unknown: 2>, <Unknown: 3>, <Unknown: 4>, <Unknown: 5>, <Unknown: 6>, <Unknown: 7>
[00:03] BlackbriarArmorerRecipes "Advanced Firearm Smithing" [RCCT:0100BEF1]
[00:03] RCCT \ DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 1>, <Unknown: 2>, <Unknown: 6>
[00:03] All Done!
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OK, THIS IS ABOUT THE WEIRDEST THING: It's now working again. I deleted everything once more... rezipped the files. installed though NMM... and wham, it's working again.

WEIRD. Well, I'd like to know what caused it...and if there is something I need to fix to make sure it doesnt happen again - I'd like to do that.

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