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Jumping Through Doors


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Back when i was getting my acrobatic skill up, i jumped everwhere (if you put your spell up, so your hands are infront and go third person, you look like a bunny!) i would always jump up before a door and open it...when it loaded i would be dead lol...why does it do this? I know the simple solution is "Dont jump while going through doors" but i wanna know if this is a glitch..or what lol
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Faust, this glitch is consistant with the first release of Morrowind. The problem was addressed in the first patch for the PC. If memory serves correctly, you should patch that, and possibly that should help. The XBOX problem should be fixed in the GotY edition.


Hope it helps.

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Faust, as I said previously, the Morrowind GOTY edition for X-Box is essentially the same Morrowind as Morrowind-> Morrowind Patched -> Tribunal -> Tribunal Patched -> Bloodmoon -> Bloodmoon patched for the pc. Basically, you get all of Morrowind to date, updated to the same point as the last patch.
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GOTY stands for Game of the Year edition. It's for PC and XBox and includes all the expansions, fully patched. I think it's out now. Probably difficult to find in the shops, though, so try somewhere like www.amazon.co.uk (if you're in Europe) or www.amazon.com (if you're in the USA).
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