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Fort Wooden Hand ... in German?


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Me again. I feel like I've been posting problems here way too much lately. :(


I'm having trouble with Fort Wooden Hand in my game. It's a regular vanilla ruined fort. Same as any other, except when I walk up to the door... this is what I see:








If I'm not mistaken, Festung Holzhand is the German translation of Fort Wooden Hand. I have absolutely no idea why it's appearing in my English game! I have no German-language mods; I don't speak German. The only mod I'm using that I know for certain was originally written in German is Blood & Mud, but obviously I have the English translation, and anyway to my knowledge that mod is confined to Bravil and environs. Fort Wooden Hand is nowhere even close by anything it touches.


Normally I wouldn't care about the language oddity. The problem is that whatever's causing it seems to be messing with the fort in other ways. Whenever I attempt to go through that misnamed door, the game freezes up and I end up having to resort to the three-fingered salute to get my cursor back. I can walk up to the door with no problems, click on it, and the loading screen appears as normal, but when the loading screen finishes up, all I see is a completely black screen. No HUD, no nothing, and none of the keys or mouse will respond. It stays that way until I shut the game down manually from Task Manager (where it states "Oblivion is not responding...").


Any ideas?

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this is one of the side effects of having a foreign language mod in your game

(the cell name issue)


even if that mod is in english.


its an under-documented side effect

Edited by Fonger
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The only solution is to find the German language version mod you have installed and completely remove it. I hope it wasn't the German patch because that cannot be removed and you will have to reinstall. Otherwise, this would be a good excuse to learn German.


many (but not all) German mods tack a DE on the end as German - in German is not German, but Deutch. :thumbsup:

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I'm not running any German language version mods, as I stated. Obviously I must have something that was originally developed by a modder using the German version of the game, and that name on the door is just an accidental left-over as Fonger said, but I don't know what mod it could be. Blood & Mud is so popular and widely used that somebody would have spotted this by now if that mod were causing it.


I definitely have no German language mods. No non-English mods at all. Nothing with DE anywhere in the name, nothing that has a German readme or description, and nothing from any foreign language website. Actually nothing that I don't know exactly where it came from; all my mods are from either here or PES. And I certainly didn't install any German patch.


This one fort is the only place in the game that seems to have this little "undocumented feature," as it were.


I'm just trying to figure out if the accidental name left-over is related to the crash. I don't care about the name on the door; I do however care that I can't enter the fort without my whole game crashing instantly. As far as I can tell I don't have any mods that should even be touching that fort.

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Yep, that is defenitely German XD Although "Holzhand" is a weird name even in German. WarCry would be my best guess too.


But don't bee fooled by the fact that you don't have any moods that add German dialogue to the game because that is not always necessary to cause this. Sometimes a weapon or armor mod by a German CC creator can be enough. I once had a korean weapon mod and it turned all the names of the IC districts into Webdings gibberish I couldn't even read.


So aside from your load order, I'd check if any weapons or armors you downloaded have suspiciously German sounding names.

Edited by chakaru11
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I once had the problem with the renaming of cells to german as well... I just had the benefit of only running like 10 mods or so at once, which led me to an easy solution....


I created a new blank esp,

I loaded them ALL up in the CS,

I changed the cellnames back manually in my new esp, and saved.


This worked just fine for me. I guess it kind of depends on how many mods you're running whether it'll work or not... :unsure:


Oh, and for the record;

-Holzhand litterally means Woodhand (or Woodenhand, if you will), so not too strange....

-And it's DeutSch... :D makes a great difference in pronounciation :P





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