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OBSE/OBGE 2.0 Question


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I have a similar problem. Exsept my key is in my invintory im able to click on it. But then nothing happens. The thing is that a dot apears on the top left corner of the screen. Thats the best error code i can give you. PLEASE HELP ME
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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, I'm having the same problem but I'm using OBGEv3. I downloaded the Core package, the standalone effects package and the water package. I extracted those all to the Wrye Bash installations folder and I used Wrye Bash to install them all at the same time using the Installations tab. The installation seemed to go flawlessly and I have a green icon next to the OBGEv3 entry in the list of installations.


I checked all of the pertaining boxes in OBMM and I moved everything to the bottom of the load order. When I load into Oblivion, the water seems to work and look amazing but I see no Godrays or DoF. When I load into the game, the menu pops up but when I click on anything (Shift click and ctrl click), the menu disappears after one click. When I click on the menu key in my inventory, the menu never comes up when I close the inventory.


I just tried installing the DirectX update because I hadn't before but it didn't remedy it.


Let's get this problem solved for all of us folks who can't use the cool effects! Thanks!

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There have been a number of people with problems getting OBGEv3 working correctly. Have you tried the mod comments section (either for answers already posted or post your problem)?
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There have been a number of people with problems getting OBGEv3 working correctly. Have you tried the mod comments section (either for answers already posted or post your problem)?


No I did not. I'll check there.


By the way, if someone finds a solution, please post it here, otherwise everyone but you (by "you" i mean whoever discovers a fix) will still be suffering. :)


Also, I forgot to mention that I had already had a shaderlist.txt so I edited it and added the Crysis DOF and godrays text, copy/pasted from one of the members in this thread.

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  • 2 months later...

this might be a bit late, but since it might help some people get headed in the right direction i thought i should post.


i have been working on trying to get OBGEv3 working for the past few hours and looking around it seems like quite a few people have the same problem as me... and the solution might be very simple. at least so far, i have not gotten into testing it much just yet.


i followed the instructions in the readme to install OBGEv3 and also the Standalone_Effects with Wrye Bash.


i knew OBSE was working because i have FastExit2.dll installed and working.


here are the problems i was having....


1# the OBGE support item was in my inventory, after use it would say close inventory and wait for the menu (nothing happens, also a little circle appears in the top-left corner of the screen for a few seconds then vanishes)


2# loading a saved game would bring up the OBGE menu, but it would vanish and not do anything when i clicked.


3# OBGE.ini was not being created in ( Documents\My Games\Oblivion )


and now onto the fix (i think)....


1# open ( OBGE_Core-30054-3-0-1.7z ) and extract the ( OBSE ) folder

2# copy the ( OBSE ) folder into your ( Oblivion\Data ) folder


after doing that, i ran the game and tried out the OBGE support item, and it worked!.. i then closed it, and tried it again, still working!! can browse through all the options and stuff.


and the OBGE.ini was also created in the ( Documents\My Games\Oblivion ) folder.


still gotta test it out to make sure its all working as it should, not started playing a game yet.. just running around in the jail/dungeon area at the start.



well if this all works i hope i helped someone save some time and stress over something so stupidly simple.

Edited by Scrapith
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  • 1 year later...

You have to follow install instructions correctly. I know this by messing up myself lol. It's not the "oblivion.ini" setting for shaderlist, it's the "OBGE.ini" that you change the shaderlist.txt function in. It's located in "Documents\my games\ oblivion" folder. I believe that it is on by default but check it anyhow.


So i noticed that you changed the "bAllow30Shaders=1" in the oblivion.ini. But did you rename the "shaderpackage019.sdp" to "shaderpackage017.sdp"? These files are located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Shaders" folder [this is also where the OBGEv2 shaders should be].


Make sure you rename the original shaderpackage017 before you overwrite it with shaderpackage019! Just rename it to something like shaderpackage017-origianl etc.


AFAIK the shader package oblivion chose as your default [shader 17] is not a 3.0 shader package. But you can trick oblivion into using the correct one by doing the oblivion.ini entry AND renaming the shader package.


Lets see if that doesn't fix this up for you. Also, don't use all the shaders, lets just get one working first :)


I've checked my Renderinfo.txt and renamed the appropriate package (in my case it was using 13, so I made a backup copy of 13 and copied 19 in its place. I've made the change to Oblivion.ini and I still don't get the 3.0 shaders appearing in the menu for the support plugin (I know it's recommended to use the shaderlist method, but at least using the plugin I can play with the settings in real time and see which shaders do and don't load). Anyone have any other ideas?


BTW, I have a pair of GTX460s in SLI and the latest drivers.




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