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OBSE/OBGE 2.0 Question


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Yeah sorry, I was kinda tired when I wrote that so I just skimmed through to your last few posts.


I vaguely remember messing with this a year ago and running into the same problem. Try forcing the shaders with the .txt file, I think that is how I did it. Also, try disabling the "natural weather" mod. The original supposedly had a lot of bugs in it, that might have been something I did as well. There is a "fixed version" of that mod, google..."RDNaturalWeather nexus" ; But just for now, leave the natural weather off. I am currently using the RDweather version along with my shaders FYI.


I just read where someone else had this problem and fixed it by uninstalling a book texture mod. They gave no details to what the mod was but I see you have a few in there. Maybe try unticking those as well. Although, I've never used a book texture mod and I had the same or a very similar experience. Still though, worth a shot. Also, did you update directX? That is a requirement of OBGEv2. Did you download the separate shaderpackage from nexus along with the OBGEv2? If not, download and copy over your old shaders with that one.


If you use the shadertxt method with the crysisdof.fx and cannot see it, make sure your character is outside. If you still can't see blurry edges, try going into a house and then back oustide.


You really need to read this bit here, part of the readme file on shaderlists...


Using the ShaderList


The shaderlist is one of two ways to load new shaders into Oblivion, the other being through the use of the Support Plugin. Shaders listed in it will be loaded as static shaders, unable to be altered via scripts, or turned off and on. To load a shader in the shaderlist, do the following:

In your OBGE.ini, located in your My Games\Oblivion folder, set bUseShaderList equal to 1, so that its line reads: bUseShaderList=1.

You can either launch Oblivion, in which case a shaderlist.txt will automatically be created, or you can create one manually yourself in the Data\Shaders folder.

Open up your shaderlist.txt, and add to it the name of the shader file that you wish to load. Make sure to spell it exactly, and include the .fx extension.


When you next launch Oblivion, the shader you listed in the shaderlist.txt will be applied. When listing multiple shaders in the shaderlist, there is a specific load order they must be listed in:


SSAO (only have one SSAO shader loaded at any one time)

Depth Of Field (only have one depth of field shader loaded at any one time)


CelShader + Edge AA

Any other OGE shaders


Do not list non-OGE shaders in your shaderlist.txt. Such shaders may be used by other mods, and causing them to be loaded as static shaders will break them.


Just for reference, my pc specs and settings:


Win 7 64

6 gig ram

AMD Phenom II X4 965 overclocked to 3.6 GHz

MSI ATI 5770 latest AMD-ATI Driver set, profiled with "RadeonPro"


If you dont' use radeonpro, I highly recommend it. You can settup profiles for your games with a much more advanced set of options then the normal CCC ap. It's a great replacement for "ATI Tools" program.


About 5-7 days ago I had installed oblivion for the first time and was running on the basic oblivion-auto-set shader package "007". I do recall getting my shaders working through the .txt with. I think that's a good thing to note, I don't think some of the settings in oblivion it self are something you need to worry about.


If you try these things and still can't get it to work, we can try comparing install folder structures and other tid bits.


EDIT: What version of the game are you using? GOTY? Steam? Retail?

Edited by madmardigan409
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Hey Madmardigan ,


Thanks for your time ,

I'll give it a detailed read a lil later (have to work hard 'till tonite :wallbash: )

and I'll go through the modchecks etc...


To answer your EDIT :

My version is a retail DVD , and separetely bought/downloaded all the official DLC's from Beth .

UOP , UOOMP + other mods added trough Nexus :)

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Hey Madmardigan ,


Thanks for your time ,

I'll give it a detailed read a lil later (have to work hard 'till tonite :wallbash: )

and I'll go through the modchecks etc...


To answer your EDIT :

My version is a retail DVD , and separetely bought/downloaded all the official DLC's from Beth .

UOP , UOOMP + other mods added trough Nexus :)



Good, I was worried it was D2drive or steam lol. I'll check back, keep us posted. :)

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I had some issues running OBGEv2 with some of the shaders. After doing some tinkering I got it working. For some odd reason Godrays.fx was causing a black screen on load. If I teleported to the COC testinghall area, it would be fine but I couldn't create new characters.


So what I did was take out the godrays.fx from my shaderlist.txt and move "streamline 3.1.esp" to the bottom of my load order [outside of the batchpatch]. After doing that I put both of the ".dll" files from the OBGEv2 core download into my oblivion directory. That made the "Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx" work. After that I changed my fov settings in the streamline.ini file to "95" and also the godrays fov to "95". The fov's just need to match each other so you don't have to have those exact numbers, just match them. Default oblivion is 75 I believe. Another thing I did was rename the "godrays.fx" to "godrays43.fx", idk if that part is specific but it seemed to work so maybe try that.


At this point all is working well together, and my streamline is initializing correctly at startup by setting my fov automatically.

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Hmmm , I gave it various tries this morning ... no success :(


I tried the shaderlist trick ... but I don't have any "bUseShaderlist=0 or 1" in my Oblivion ini .

With OBGEv2 esp activated or de-activated , same thing ...

When esp is activated , I have the support-key & menu popping at 1st game launch only ...No OBGEv2 log ... still the same thing .

And I re-re-re-checked ... OBSE0.19 is correctly installed .

When OBGEv2 menu pops up ... I have in fact the feeling that whatever button/shader I click , it cancels the menu .... For example , menu closes when I click

on the arrow down at the menu (prev/next ??) to scroll thru the other shaders .


I'm starting to get demotivated by this mud .... Oooops ... Mod :teehee::wallbash:




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You have to follow install instructions correctly. I know this by messing up myself lol. It's not the "oblivion.ini" setting for shaderlist, it's the "OBGE.ini" that you change the shaderlist.txt function in. It's located in "Documents\my games\ oblivion" folder. I believe that it is on by default but check it anyhow.


So i noticed that you changed the "bAllow30Shaders=1" in the oblivion.ini. But did you rename the "shaderpackage019.sdp" to "shaderpackage017.sdp"? These files are located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Shaders" folder [this is also where the OBGEv2 shaders should be].


Make sure you rename the original shaderpackage017 before you overwrite it with shaderpackage019! Just rename it to something like shaderpackage017-origianl etc.


AFAIK the shader package oblivion chose as your default [shader 17] is not a 3.0 shader package. But you can trick oblivion into using the correct one by doing the oblivion.ini entry AND renaming the shader package.


Lets see if that doesn't fix this up for you. Also, don't use all the shaders, lets just get one working first :)

Edited by madmardigan409
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In support of madmardigan409's advice above ... excerpted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide:

bAllow30Shaders=0 - If set to 1, this option allows (but does not force) the use of Shader Model 3.0 on graphics cards which support it, namely Nvidia GeForce 6600 or newer, or ATI X1000 series or newer. This can potentially improve performance when using HDR rendering for example. Check your RendererInfo.txt file in your \Documents and Settings\User\Documents\My Games\Oblivion directory to see if your card supports SM3.0 next to the option '3.0 Shaders'. Note however that even by enabling this option, Oblivion still appears to use 2.0 shaders (check the 'PSTarget' and 'VSTarget' lines in Rendererinfo.txt). In any case, if you have one of the cards mentioned above, it cannot hurt to enable this option.


Update: To force the actual use of 3.0 Shaders after making the above change, you will also need to check your RenderInfo.txt file (see above), and on the last line of the file check which shader package it uses (e.g. Shader Package : 13). Then go to the \Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Shaders\ folder and rename that particular package to something else (e.g. rename shaderpackage013.sdp to shaderpackage013._bak. Now copy shaderpackage019.sdp and paste it back into the same directory, and rename this new copy to the package name your card uses (e.g. rename it to shaderpackage013.sdp in this example). This will force Oblivion to use the Shader Model 3.0 shaders in the game, which may increase (or reduce) performance and typically shows no image quality difference.

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Ooooops ,

Sorry ...my mistake about confusing OBGE.ini with Oblivion.ini (for the bUseShaderlist=0 or 1)


I must indeed be doing something wrong with OBGE install ,since I never managed to get an OBGE.ini created .

I'll read & restart it over again (somewhere this upcoming weekend) .


PS : I know it's a complicated mod & respect all the modder's work ...

I'm not a total newbie with installing mods (data folders drops , omods + Morrowind mods before) ...

But IMO , for OBGE , the readme's are quite unclear & confusing .

(For example: to force 3.0 shaders copy rename-paste etc... from Koroush Ghazi's tweakguide ... If that's a possible cause , then

shouldn't such info be in the OBGE readme , instead of a separate tweak-website ?)

Not that I'm complaining ;) ... I just find this is the uneasiest mod I had until now .:ermm: .



I'll keep you posted and thank you once more for your time & help , Madmardigan + Striker :)

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thanks for the quote, I was too lazy to go looking for it haha



Man, I feel your frustration. I've been dealing with it for nearly 14 days now and I'm getting ready to reinstall it all again for the 7th time. I think it's worth it though, just a hell of a cool game once you get it all together.

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  • 1 month later...


I have a problem with OBGEv2:

It seems that there is a incompatibility between the original vanilla Oblivion shaders (such as the blurring when i get hurt or the oblivion gates refraction effect) and the OBGE shaders, 'cos when the Vanilla shaders apply, the screen stop refreshing. (it get's Burned. [is that the expression?])

Also when i use the Split-screen option: i get a "ghost" image (in positive and bright when i look up, in negative dark when i look down) of the upper right quadrant of the non-obge part. XP (strange)


Also say i install it by the book, i copied the D3d9X*.dll in the Oblivion main directory, i change the .sdp names and i tweaked the OBGE.ini in all imaginary forms and no use.


Last question: What has to have a shader script to work in OBGE? I'm trying to make work a MotionBlur script.


Thanks and will The Nine be with you X3

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