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Broken Repair Menu

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Repair menu is not showing. Had the Alternative Repair mod installed, but found out it didn't work with Project Nevada's repair system so uninstalled it thinking it would fix my problem. Now it just won't show up. I will link a screenshot


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Check your load order and see if there's any problems there. Otherwise trying uninstalling all project nevada related mods and then reinstall them. Sometimes mods that change the menu system can muck up PN.

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Check your load order and see if there's any problems there. Otherwise trying uninstalling all project nevada related mods and then reinstall them. Sometimes mods that change the menu system can muck up PN.

Reinstalled PN, but that didn't do anything. I'm trying to reinstall Alternative Repairing on top of that to see if it does anything

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Uninstalling mods midway thru a game is problematic as the game is like a hoarder, it will let new things in no problem but once its in you can't pry it from the game's hands short of killing it (unistall + reinstall)


You said you unistallied the mod, but just triple check that you got every last folder, dll, mesh, texture, or log that is in your data folder, its easy to overlok a few with the more mods you have.


If the above doesn't work then its possiable that the scripts and all the fun stuff that you can't see is infected (similar to what you see happen in Skyrim when you uninstall a scripted mod, the script bloats into the savegame)

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