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Water Transparency Issues


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Since my big reinstall after The Big Computer Failure of December 2010 I've found I've not needed to enter the waters of Tamriel until playing a few specific mods that require you to swim to certain locations.


Now, when I'm totally submerged, I've nothing to complain about. When I stand on the shore and look down, I can see my toon's feet in the water. But when I swim out a bit, there's no visibility water-wise. It looks like my toon's been cut in half when I look ABOVE the water (but for some reason, when I look from below, I can see my entire toon!).


I'd post a screenshot and my mod list but I'm at work so that'll have to wait. At any rate, I hope I've explained my issue well enough. Can anyone please tell me what's causing this and/or suggest a fix? I'm damn sure this hasn't been an issue before. Back in the day I had perfect transparency, with the same list of mods.

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This is the third time in the past handful of days this exact issue has been posted. Not to mention it's covered in the ReadMe for OBGE. A little searching or flipping a page or two wouldn't kill ya, would it?


HERE is another thread regarding this issue.

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That's all very well and good, Smooth613, but you're forgetting one teensy little fact:


I DON'T USE OBGE. Don't know where you got that idea from. I don't recall mentioning it here.


Nice try, though.


Now, let's try this again, without assumptions if possible.

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I have had this thing on me also,.


Also i have had haircut that goes over the mouth make a tooth invisible. it is related issue of alpha blending.


Havent done anything in oblivion tho. i heard that fo3 is beter at handing transparency.


What part of your character is having transparency on it? is it on a armor part is it on a hair?


I dono why some hair is not having nialphaproperty but its still transparent, maybe hair shader flags enable transparency without it.


Maybe its helpful to try changing flags of nialphaproperty around, probly its 4845 but then u can try 4846 cause that helped me before.


Oh, and gpu driver changes can affect this btw..

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I shall offer respect where respect is due. By insulting me, you show that you are not worthy of my respect.


When you can offer me advice that isn't made based on assumptions, then and only then will I take it on board. Have a nice day.

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Smooth: if you go all "a litte searcing would not hurt you" on the whole OBGE front, that's a little MORE than just assuming. You were sure that Desuchan has OBGE and immediately whipped out the "you are a noob, search better" attitude. So please just stop, you are only digging yourself in deeper.


Okay, I had the same issue after my great vista reinstall and for me the problem was that my computer did not recognize my graphics card anymore. It labeled it a standard card and refused to recognized what it really was. I know I too am making assumptions here, but my best bet is that you need to update your drivers. *ducks in cover*

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Drivers have been updated. Win7 made me do it! XP


It's incredibly bizarre. And the worst part? I'm running the exact data folder setup on both Shadowlands (my tower) and Darklight (my laptop). Darklight is fine. In fact, Darklight's version is an exact copy of my data folder from Shadowlands, pre-reinstallation. I don't think it's necessary for me to note the otherwise exclusive mods on Darklight that aren't on Shadowlands as they're my WIPS and only affect hair, eyes, races and one interior cell.


Now, I had to replace the HDD in Shadowlands as my old WD GreenPower kicked the bucket, so everything's new. The .ini is now and untouched save for the small changes made by DarkUI DarN. I'm not using any mods that affect the water, nor am I using anything like OBGE. Essentially, it should be fine. But it's not. And that's why I'm so bamboozled.


A rough idea of my mod list on Shadowlands is:


Oblivion, SI, official DLC

Unofficial patches

My race mods

A few other race mods

Smokin' Sick Style

Lera and Pizz Hiyoko Store

Tona's Mod Store

A large compilation mod of clothes, armour and weapons (including my own work) I made to keep my data folder tidy


RM v5

Improved amulets and rings

Book Jackets: Oblivion



That's really it.

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I wonder if the game has forced you to use a lower-quality shader package - Sometimes you have to force it to use the SM 3.0 shader package by replacing the package it's using with 19 iirc.


Another thing you might look into is your water and EnvMapLOD settings in the ini - Sometimes the settings there are mixed up by accident.


...And it sounds like you've had a hard day today...

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Hard day my foot :tongue: Spent most of it on the internet as there aren't any payments for me to process at work! And I've still got a little while to go... might play some Minesweeper.


I'll have a look at that when I get home. I don't THINK it's a shader issue; none of the other games I've reinstalled are having weird issues. I think it's an isolated problem.


...yep, screenies are definitely needed. Now, if only we had paint coming through the air ducts again so I have an excuse to go home early...

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Anyway, I just buzzed my boyfriend (heh, I'm impatient too, I suppose) and he had a peek at my ini file for me, and has confirmed that the ini is fine, and that it's using shader 3.0 as it's meant to, so neither are the issue, ziitch, but thanks for suggesting them.


Bahahahaha. My bf pulled through and suggested installing the water component from Natural Environments. Works an absolute treat~

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