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Lagging really badly


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hi didnt really know where else to ask, as i've moved to a new city for university and i havent found a new tech guy yet,

So my laptop was running games perfectly less then a week ago, its a studio dell with a high end graphics/video card (can be arsed to find the exact one unless its really vital), 500 gb on the hard drive and 4gb of ram, last week it was running dragon age and all my other games perfectly, this week i've been having really bad lag problems, i thought it might be as i overloaded it with MODs but i have deleted them all, uninstalled all the DLC and everything and it still lags, then i unistalled Dragon age, and tried assassins creed (had it in my steam library) and thats laggin just as bad when it ran perfectly when i played it last (just b4 chirtsmas) i've got no idea what it could be, so i came here for help (to be honest i just need it to be back to working order for when Dragon age 2 comes out!


thanks in advance people.


p.s i know everyone likes to point the finger at laptops or say how high is the specs, i know a fair amount about computers (am a computer animator... in training) it runs the 3d softwear fine, all the adobe suit fine, its just as soon as a game is on its started being s***, and i know that this isnt a 'your specs arnt high enough problem.

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A few things to try. First off run a virus and spyware scan. Use MSconfig to remove any unnecessary crap from your start up. Pop it open and clean all your fans out, use a can of air or a smallish new paintbrush.
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