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Scripting Vertibirds


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Ok, after wasting a huge amount of time with nothing to show for it I finally broke down and decided to ask. How do you script veribirds to do anything??? For the love of me I just can't figure out how to get the trigger to spawn a vertibird to do anything in the game whether it be a flyover or a bombing run. All I want to know by detail is how to get the vertibird to spawn, run its cycle, and fly away.Can anyone help me with this trivial tasks!!! I already tried looking for a guide, but I can't find any and those that do exists aren't really helpful. The GECK guide just talks about what everything is without going into detail on exactly how to set this up. PLEASE! I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DO THIS!!!!
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  • 1 year later...

well you have to put the animation where you want it then you make a ref id for it like oh lets say "vertibird45land" (and make sure you press initially disabled). then you make the script like

scn 00enclaveland


begin ontiggerenter player




PlayGroup Forward 0




got it?

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