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Broken dismemberment

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I've recently made some changes in blender to some bodies and armors, but after exporting and getting it them into the game correctly dismemberment is no longer working correctly. When a limb comes off it leaves a hollow empty space with no gore. It shows the dismemberment parts in nifskope and everything looks fine, but they don't show up in game. Hopefully it's just some setting somewhere that I'm not aware of.


Anyone have any ideas?

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Did u test it in vats also? I think vats wont work either, also u may not be able to see your arms in 1st person camera.


So basically what u got is. special vertex groups for dismemberment. These grouops are not bone weighting it is body part alocation.


They are named as :


BP_TORSO, BP_HEAD, BP_LEFTARM, BP_TORSOSECTION_HEAD... etc. if u import a body into blender you can read em for yourself.

The meatcaps are having a different vertex groups : BP_SECTIONCAP_LEFTLEG, BP_TORSOCAP_RIGHTARM... etc.


Bone weight copy script does copy these vertex groups properly. When it ask you to name groups when u parent with control-p, it will only name bone name groups!


Make sure when you export you have clicked export dismember body parts button.

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