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werewolves vs vampires


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Hmm, just an interesting though, but, if all these were-creatures were in game, and vampires too, what would happen if you were bitten by a Vampire, a Werewolf, and a Wereboar all on the same day?

Would you become like, a VampWolfBoar?

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XD good point it would be a lot of turnings.I think werewolves and vampires will be there for sure.For the wereboars they from hammerfell I think the lore talks about them being in north hammerfell near the skyrim border so wereboars could be there too but indeed it would be a lot of things for the character turn into.I don´t remember if in morrowind we could be a vampire and a werewolf at the same time.Turning into only one of them and prevent from turning into another is easy bethesda just adds the vampire and werewolf as a disease and if you turn into a vampire you are immune to disease so you can´t turn into a werewolf and vice versa.
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I've wondered this myself. Being a Werewolf or Vampire sounds cool, but usually prevents you from questing very well. At least in Morrowind. Whereas in Oblivion, I didn't see much point in being a vampire. If you regularly drank blood, no one would notice you, but you wouldn't be very strong. But if you let yourself become more vampiric, you couldn't quest. Not sure how they could change these, but maybe they will.


Incidentally, the moment I read about Dragons being a major part of Skyrim, and that your character is a dragonborn who has "the power of the dragons," I wondered if you could turn into a dragon yourself at some point. Apparently you can call a dragon to come fight for you, so it's not a stretch to imagine there could be dragon riding (possibly even better than becoming a dragon). I did think it was interesting how you could be both a vampire and werewolf in morrowind. Would be interesting if they brought that possibility back, along with dragon-forming powers. You know, being a weredragonvampire (imagine a furry dragon with... a dracula cape?). Of course, in that instance, biting a victim would probably just kill them, rather than turning them into a vampire/werewolf....

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If only this was a reasonable location for my favorie lycanthropic creatures-werecrocs. There's an article on them on the Tamriel Rebuilt website, it's highly unfortunate that theres no sense in seeing them in an arctic waste : ( But I'm looking forward to quality werewolf mechanics and the wereboars would be nice too. As for the vampires I think that it should have similar clan structures as in Morrowind, perhaps less specific powers but localized groups of vampires that once a vampire you could join and given the wolf-pack tendency in actual wolves it would make sense to have groups of werewolves. I'd envision these different groups as highly territorial and killing of intruders weather it be fellow werewolves or vampires however it would be really cool to engage in diplomacy to band together diferent clans (even werewolf-vampire relations) for a common goal.

Factions is a really good idea. :thumbsup: Werewolf turf wars would be awesome.And make any mundane action or travelling on disputed turf very dangerous.Have to sneak through those places :ninja: .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the underworld idea. i prefer werewolves to look how they are supost to not a bunch of 1/2 naked fruits who turn into dogs.



if anything is going to turn into an actual wolf i think it should be vampires and they can use that or some kind of bat like creature to becoume their own mount.

make them seemingly human with normal human faces with fangs and at night have a certian glow to their eyes.

make them fast and have superhuman strength but not stronger than werewolves.

maybe a flying ability or super crouching tiger style jump where they jump high and land softly.

have a night sight ability in 1st person.

dont srew up you characters complexion by becoming one.

maybe a seduce option or mind control option during conversations.

keep them young and super charged as they feed regularly and let their powers and appearance diminish as they neglect to feed.

guild armor and weapons primarily made of silver

and for the love of god dont make them sparkle in the sunlight.



As for werewolves :

they can run faster than a horse.

they would be more of a tank with brute strength.

increased vitality since they cant wear armor or use weapons.

their attacks should deal piercing damage so that they can rip through armor with ease.

eating an enemys heart should send tem into a berserker mode.

instead of a night sight make it more of a predator heat vision.

before you join the werewolf guild you can only change uncontrolled at night or during full moon if they offer phases.

then when you join you begin to learn to control it to where it becomes like a spell or power to switch in and out.

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I was actually fine with the not-so-girly appearance Oblivion vampires had (I typically can't stand modern vampires). I think they should have the appearance of finesse, but they definitely shouldn't be pretty. I'm a werewolf person myself. Both of them are supposed to be fearsome, not vegan looking (somehow, I mean no disrespect towards vegans...), pretty-boys. I guess I mean that when you look at one or another in their human form, you know something isn't right.


I'd love to have one character as one and then one as another. Maybe a combination would be cool, but nothing extreme. Simply having the stat bonus from the vampire combined with the lycanthropic transformation would suffice for me. I've seen a combination of dragon, vampire, and werewolf before, though in an animated, somewhat childish game. It was still pretty cool.

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