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Is is a scripting issue? Is it an AI issue? Why do some NPCs within oblivion respond to Talkie Toasters Command Share Recruit and/or CM companions and others don't?! I have looked at some of these NPCs through the Construction Set and made some subtle changes but to date, have NOT been able to change anything in terms of the "Friend" feature popping up in their dialogue option menu making them unrecruitable. More to the point there are some CM Companions mods who already have their own "Share" feature built in and some simply won't work. It is the SHARE function which seems to be the most glitchy. What is going on? Is there a patch/update(s) available to make this unglitch, or is there something I can do in the CS to correct this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to contact me directly - [email protected].
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