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Nows The Time To Go Dark!


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I have had a couple of video games ruined for me by going to forums of the game. As of now they aren' t posting big spoilers or anything like that at all, but soon you will know a lot about the game and you will know to much. So if you go dark know you will have a bigger surprise when you play.
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I have had a couple of video games ruined for me by going to forums of the game. As of now they aren' t posting big spoilers or anything like that at all, but soon you will know a lot about the game and you will know to much. So if you go dark know you will have a bigger surprise when you play.



You hit it on the head! You're quite right, +1 Kudos from me. :D

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I have had a couple of video games ruined for me by going to forums of the game. As of now they aren' t posting big spoilers or anything like that at all, but soon you will know a lot about the game and you will know to much. So if you go dark know you will have a bigger surprise when you play.


Also you won't be so disappointed when the hyped features turn out to be nothing like described or missing completely. Just look back to the run up to Oblivions release, someone at Bethesda had been to the Peter Molyneux school of BS.

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