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Really weird issue


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Ok, it seems that somehow, all unique dialogue options from any vanilla Oblivion character ever, cannot be selected at all. This also seems to apply to scripts, as Branwen and that Argonian guy don't spar with each other, for example. They just sort of stand there. Notably, this only seems to apply to the base game, and not any official mods, as Shivering Isles is not affected at all.


I can think of no specific cause, really, beyond destabilization caused by activating a few too many mods. The last time my game destabilized due to that, though, meshes started disappearing at random and save files became temporarily corrupt, so this isn't really consistent with that. I'll probably just try reinstalling the base game, unless anyone knows of a particular fix I could do.


I can list my load order and things if desired, but this seems to be moreso general destabilization and a buggy game simply being itself, unfortunately. Mostly just wondering if there's anything to do aside from a rather tedious reinstall.

Edited by Kyuukei
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You didn't mention how many mods you consider "a few too many", so yes, a mod list taken from Wrye Bash, in spoiler/code tags, would be helpful -- a mod list not taken from Wrye Bash is of little use and more difficult to decipher.
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