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Scene stopping issue

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I have regenerated an SEQ several times.


I've got a scene that plays with an NPC speaking when you walk into a trigger. However, there's another scene that you can walk into, which is supposed to interrupt the other scene if needed. It's supposed to work vice versa as well. Flagging them both interruptible would just mean they don't interrupt each other:

  • Interruptible: If checked, this scene will end if another (non-interruptible) scene tries to start using any of the actors in this scene.

So, in the script on the trigger, I added an array property for scenes - since there can be more than one possible scenes that are playing, and if they are, I want them interrupted so this scene can play:

Scriptname CYRCloudRulerFF01PlayAlinaVoice extends ObjectReference  

Quest Property CYRCloudRulerFF01 Auto 
Scene Property AlinaVoiceToPlay  Auto  
Int Property preReqStage Auto 
ReferenceAlias Property xMarkerVoice Auto 
Scene[] Property OtherScenesToInterrupt Auto
{When this scene starts, if these other scenes are playing, interrupt}

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()
		If CYRCloudRulerFF01.GetStage() == preReqStage
			int i = OtherScenesToInterrupt.Length
			While i
				i -= 1 
				If OtherScenesToInterrupt[i].IsPlaying()
                        ;had a utility.wait here, didn't fix anything

It WILL stop the other scene, but it will skip the first phase of the scene with talking. (I tried adding a phase before the talking scene, only completing if the other scene that it should interrupt isn't playing, but it still skips the FIRST talking scene). I have absolutely no idea why this is happening, and I'd really, really like to fix it.


Edit: And it seems other actions in that phase work perfectly fine. I made a timer and added a debug.notification to it, and it played. Debug.Notification for the Begin fragment of the dialogue - did NOT play.

Edited by Mattiewagg
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hrmm I have scenes interrupt scenes all the time never had this issue..


I usually put a 1 sec timer for phase one but if you did that and it still skips IDK, could be the guy is still talking at the time so it buggers his next talking scene?


Otherwise I got nothing, dhalia and allune had overlapping scenes all the time.. though their priority on banter was lower than priority on quest scene so that could be why the quest scenes interrupted perfectly.

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Yeah, this is all in the same quest. I suppose I could probably set it up in different quests.


But that's not happening. Just went with it and left the bug in... *cries*

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