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Armor request


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what im requesting is an raider badlands armor + ullysses duster



if you like maybe some raidersymbol on the back




stats should be someting like

-2 charisma

+1 luck

+1 agility

+25 carrywheight

but can be discussed


would be someone kind enough to patch that together for me?

already apologize for even doing a request

Edited by tawatabak
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I was thinking about some thing like these as symbol

choose which u like the most , or feel free to use something else (PunkStyle)

Edited by tawatabak
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would it be possible to change the line "CM Punk" to something like "Vault 3"?

the duster should maybe little bit darker


your might be right with the stats, i just want it to be as powerfull as the lonesome road dusters




anyway thanks for all the work u done already

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So something like this? I was contemplating using text to write 'motor' but then I would have to adjust the kerning on all the other words which would be a pain to do so I settled on the idea that the raiders just painted over 'punk'.


Edit: Link to the download in-case there's nothing else that needs to be done. Located in the Goodsprings Saloon on the sink of the washroom.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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