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Armor request


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I updated the file so now it includes the male version. Have fun.




"i wish i could do these things myself i have like million ideas"


You made a mistake in posting that, haha. I have a link bookmarked that I go back to once in a while to get inspiration and to get a laugh because it applies to everything in life. If you can't be bothered to read it, it's basically saying: Don't wish, just learn and do because even modders have their own ideas (why do you think they learned to mod in the first place?) and the only difference between them and you is that they took the time to learn. Around a year ago I had zero 3D modelling, texturing, and modding experience. Even now, I have no where near the level of skill that a lot have, but I learned even if it meant I had to pester the veterans for advice.


"thanks again for all your work"

You are very much welcome.




Oh and next time, make sure you include all the important info of the request (ie: the gender(s) & body type) on the first post because it lets the modder get to work fast and you get the mod earlier.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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