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M'aiq the liar in TES V


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nono, M'aiq has a special place in TES, and that is not to be annoying, but to tell tales, and possibly spoil something for the next game or say something of the previous games.


The Adoring Fan, Fargoth and Gaenor has another special place in TES, and that is simply being... annoying, and we will see one of those in Skyrim as well, I am certain of it! :)

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I think he should be some kind of Skyrim version of the Adoring Fan -- think of the fun!



Was talking with my son about this a week ago -- thought about the appearance ghost of the Adoring Fan (... since he will have been killed by so many ...)

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Considering that Skyrim is set 200 years after Oblivion, maybe they could throw in a descendant of M'aiq's who shares the same name as him.


M'aiq's remarks were funny, though.

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