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Frostrcaig Disappeared after Mod


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You have Windows 7 or Vista and your Oblivon is installed in the default protected folder structure of Program Files. You should uninstall Oblivion and reinstall outside of 'Program Files' -- somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion.
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when i try to run Wrye Bash nothing happens


Then you haven't installed it correctly. Follow these instructions:

Installing Wrye Bash by Smooth613



You need to install v287 then 290 as certain files needed by 290 are in previous archives.





Upon reinstalltion you need to ensure you properly install Wrye Bash and the Python Libraries. Proper procedure is as follows.





* Go to Control Panel and remove anything with the word Python in it.


* Next, uninstall Wrye Bash and delete the Mopy folder. If you used the installer version you should have an uninstaller as well.


* After you have removed everything related to Python and Wrye Bash it's time to reinstall, properly.


* Install WryePython03a from the Wrye Bash page here on TESNexus


* Install Wrye Bash 275 from the Self-Installer


* Update to Wrye Bash 287 by overwriting the Oblivion\Mopy folder.


* Finally, Update to Wrye Bash 290 by again overwriting the Mopy folder.


* Go to your Oblivion Mopy folder and create a shortcut for Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw and send to desktop.


* You're done! Double click the shortcut and Wrye Bash should launch and you're good to go.











Wrye Bash v291 will be released as a full Self-Installer version and will eliminate many of the above steps. It's currently in BETA and it's working very well, I've had virtually no problems with v291. The full release to the public should happen in the near future so keep your eyes open for it.





The Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for Newbies is also and excellent way to get your hands dirty with Wrye Bash. Check it out!





If Wrye Bash fails to start or you are still having issues, you need to post the bug dump information here or in the Official Thread @ BethSoft for someone to look over.





Good luck!







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I am using Windows 7, yes it installed in the default location.


that sucks, does that mean i will lose everything and have to start over? Ive been playing for a few months now so I have done a lot...


You can back up your saves, reinstall the appropriate mods and continue from where you left off.

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I have uninstalled everything and reinstalled like you explained, wyre bash works correctly, BOSS works correctly. Frostcraig has come back sort of, i can enter it and use everything again, but on the outside is is off to the side, the main door is not connected, but it doesn't seem to matter as I can still go in.
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I have uninstalled everything and reinstalled like you explained, wyre bash works correctly, BOSS works correctly. Frostcraig has come back sort of, i can enter it and use everything again, but on the outside is is off to the side, the main door is not connected, but it doesn't seem to matter as I can still go in.


That suggests that you still have not installed everything correctly. Please post your load list here, taken from Wrye Bash and include the spoiler/code tags.

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