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Larger Abandoned House Basement/Shrine of Molag Bal


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So, one thing that's always bothered me is how some of the shrines for Daedric Lords (Molag Bal, Mephala, Hircine, Sanguine) are tiny-to-nonexistent, when you've got stuff like the Shrine of Azura and Mount Kilkreath in the same world.


While it would take a lot of work to build whole dungeons/shrines for the likes of Mephala and Hircine, Molag Bal has the Abandoned House already in-world. What I'd like to see is the cave his altar is contained in expanded a little, to make it look like human sacrifices were actually performed there, with maybe a shrine somewhere in the room to get a Blessing of Molag Bal (which would have to be created. Maybe like Fortify Bleed Damage or something).

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