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transparent mesh?


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If the entire model is to have a certain level of transparency, then you only need to attach a NiAlphaProperty to the NiTriStrip in the NIF file and then set the amount of transparency in the diffuse / color map by adding to the alpha channel and exporting the texture to DDS format with DXT5 + mipmaps which will retain the alpha channel which controls the amount of transparency of the texture. Start with gray (128, 128, 128) which is 50% transparency and adjust as you like.


If you only wanted certain parts of the model to have transparency, you might need to make model changes as well to add geometry where there were none. In this case, modifying the alpha channel only of the texture would allow you to "see thru" certain parts of the model that was not designed to be seen.







You might even want to add a glow map to make certain parts or the whole thing glow.





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I just want to add that when you attach the nialphaproperty the flags defaults to 237 and you should consider 4845 as being the standard flag settings for most stuff.


Look into the bsa file for an example of the type of thing, transparent headgear in fallout 3 is 4333 for example.


And I changed flags on my outfit to 4846 while playtesting to fix alpha blending problem with world transparency such as entering water.


Then you can see below the flags that there is a threshhold setting. depending on what you set flags to the transparency threshhold will change and you can tweak it with this value.

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It is looking great! Congrats.


Regarding the tip, make sure your normals are facing the correct way. This is the most-likely problem.


It might also be due to the UV Map...if the UV is scattered around for that particular face, it might land on a piece of texture that is different from the rest (thus an ugly seam and off-color compared to the rest of the area). A UV problem would also impact the Normal Map as well.


Also, make sure you do not have "Double Sided" depressed on the mesh...if you do, it will add a NiStencilProperty to the NiTriStrip which typically does not look good on transparent meshes. Easily fixed after-the-fact by using Nifskope to right-click on it and choose Block-->Remove.


If you cannot figure it out, send the Blender file and texture to me and I'll see if I can spot the problem.



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all i have to do know is make better textures...

I've got tips for that too....LAYERS. Gotta have 'em. Mine typically start with a base "color coat" on the bottom layer. The "always on the top" layer(s) are the UV map outlines which I turn off just before export. The 2nd from the bottom layer are my textures, the layer above that are my "burn/darken" marks and tweaks with the layer blending properties set to something like Screen/Multiply/Lighten/Overlay. The layer on top of that is typically a grunge layer with transparency set to 50% or less along with whatever layer blending option looks best.


An example of what I'm talking about can be found here. You'll need Paint.NET to open the image. The corresponding mesh can be found on earlier posts.



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  • 6 months later...

Thanks, guys... :thumbsup:

This post helped me create transparent clothes for my mod.

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