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Fully realistic marriage


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Current marriage system is pretty boring: buy amulet, go to Riften, get your 100$ and pasta everyday.

I think it can be much funnier with features like:

-she will not agree to marry you until you buy her some clothes/jewelry/horses

-instead of giving you 100$ a day, she will daily ask you for money and if you refuse, you will not get your pasta

-each time when you come home at night, there is a probability to catch her with a naked redguard (without actual coitus, it's only implied)

-she may hire thugs after you

-she may cook poisoned pasta for you

-possibility to divorce (she may randomly ask for it too) with following consequences:

1) she takes 50% of your current money/horses/houses

2) she gets all adopted children and you must pay alimony every week. if you refuse, you get bounty

Edited by sigmundf
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Are basing this Stuff on personal expierence?(That was a Joke)


When it comes to the first Point I'd say not every Woman in Skyrim should be like this,and all the negative Stuff should only happen if you get into really low Disposition with them,like being away for long and not giving them Food/Money to keep your Family fed

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not every Woman in Skyrim should be like this,and all the negative Stuff should only happen if you get into really low Disposition with them,like being away for long and not giving them Food/Money to keep your Family fed

Sure thing. It may depend on their profession and overall personality. For example: Dibella followers (like Haelga) will cheat on you almost every night, alchemists will most likely try to poison you, business-women will hire thugs, etc

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Because of their curved hammerfell "swords" :pirate: .


Exactly! :devil:


After six months of marriage, both partners suddenly gain 50 lbs and pants are automatically unequipped when entering the home.

Why both? I think it should be applied only to the one, who is sitting home while the other is fighting dragons. And it's not so easy to do, because there are no fat models in original game.

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