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Mass Effect 2 is better than Mass Effect



69 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the two did you prefer?

    • Mass Effect
    • Mass Effect 2
    • I liked both equally
    • I did not play both of the games

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The only bad one? Jacob. So flat and boring. I mean the only reason I remember him is because he was just... so bad.


Oh come on, Jacob is good as a bro but scary very in Femshep romance. The only romance that I would never do in a million years, even if you payed me. This is one of the reasons why I like Maleshep to Femshep.


Edit: Also to be fair, it was the fans who wanted a 'normal' person, with no problems. Look at what we got

That's one cool thing about ME series. Every one has a different opinion about every character.

I had both male and femshep saves from ME1 to 2, ren and para.

I think Maleshep is the better paragon, while femshep does renegade best.


This should be QFT!

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ME 2 wasnt a rpg, the gameplay did suck, the weapons sucked more, wrex cant be in your team. overall ME was way better then ME2. ME2 wasnt an improvement just a continuation of the story with really dumbed down gameplay.


Very excellent and well thought out post. Would expect nothing less from someone who turns a game into an anime fashion show.

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Mass Effect 2 gameplay wise was an improvement and the combat felt much more fluid however story wise it was one plot hole after another. If Mass Effect 3 can keep or even improve upon Mass Effect 2's fantastic gunplay but get away from the poor story I will be a happy camper.


Chasing a rogue Spectre through the galaxy with an army of Geth at his command. > A ship full of people that have the mental maturity of a 16 year old emo girl and if you don't solve their daddy issues for them they magically take a rocket to the face (which in some cases I didn't mind)....oh and their were some lame ass bug people and Martin Sheen or something idk.

Edited by NAPALM13092
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  • 3 weeks later...

How could anyone think ME2 is shorter? It took me 24 hours to complete ME twice, and 40 odd hours to complete ME2 once. I like that Garrus and Tali are back, Tali is ma fav character. I hated Ashley, how could anyone want her in the romance quest? Kaiden looked like captian scarlet which was wierd for me. And wrex is awesome, no doubt.


The only thing I dislike about ME2 is-

*Certain Chars- such as samara, jacob and miranda, which just feel generic compared to other characters.

*Mercs- They put WAY too many mercs in the game, and collecters only appear on few missions

*Music- most music was better, but a lot of it just didn't match up to ME's originals.

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I agree that femshep does better as renegade broken. The actress pulls of the 'ice queen' type mindset so well.


TBH, i preferred ME1 as a sci fi rpg, and ME2 as a visual feast and action game. By visual feast, i dont mean the graphics so much as the epic cinematic feel. Think the start, looking out the blasted hull toward the planet surface. That was a truly great scene.

But that explosion at the end, that was pure EPIC.

Honourable mention to the Lair of the Shadow Broker dlc, standing on that ship watching the storm, and seeing that giant solar array in the distance was beautiful. It truly was a pity that they recycled the Omega tileset instead of creating a new one.


Because each game has its strong points that appeal to me, i vote that i like both equal.


Edited for spelling.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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ME 2 is fine, i just dont like the stats result thing after every fkin mission i completed.

And whats also annoying as hell > U CAN'T TOGGLE HELMETS ON OFF. Sorry caps but i just had to.

DLC armor is useless.

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But first, my favorite thing about Mass Effect 1





Best thing EVER!

I can't believe some people don't like driving a tank with boosters through space. Just... don't go there.

You could go all over a map in that Mako... plus you didn't have a loading sequence every time you wanted and were able to get out of it.



1. Mass Effect 2 IS a "ROLE-PLAYING" Game.


Lots of people are complaining about this because they spent years slaving over what the effects of doing something in the 1st game would cause in the ME2. The thing is, we just don't see as many noticeable choices in ME2, and these choices have not done anything because we have yet to play ME3. ME2 is also in the middle of a trilogy, so it will have less choices because it had a beginning and it is not the end. This is why some of the stuff isn't as open-ended as it could be.


2. Mass Effect 2 HAS to have a weaker story.

Refer to 1.


3. Mass Effect 2 AND Mass Effect 1 had some weak characters.

Before ME2 was out, I always went with the pure-specialized classes, Wrex when I wanted to blow $#!^ up, and Kaidan until I could pick ANYONE ELSE. Kaidan was the most boring character ever, and Garrus was just not good at anything.

Now ME2, Jacob is kinda the same as Kaidan, and Miranda is just the most annoying person ever. Mordin was the best character of both games, Garrus got better at shooting stuff, and everyone else was more or less unique. The loyalty missions gave plenty of character development for each of them, except for Miranda, who is just stuck-up.


4.Mass Effect 2 has Heavy weapons.

That statement could win the argument all by itself, but I could actually notice when I was using a new pistol or submachine gun that I would randomly find. The best and worst part of Mass Effect was that you could work it so out you could make a gun that would have perfect accuracy and never stop firing.

However, I was and am still a huge fan of the giant table of skills that you got to choose from in Mass Effect. Anyone know how many levels you could get to as well? Games that max out my level before I beat it the first time just bum me out. In Mass Effect 2, I never even got through the 1st hour of my second run-through because my level was maxed.


5.Mass Effect 2 has shorter gameplay!

It does. No doubt about it. Because there are NO ELEVATORS!


6.Mass Effect 2 has better gameplay

The reason why everyone hates going in the Mako in Mass Effect is because they know the BUILDINGS are the SAME ON EVERY PLANET you go to. Same pirate buildings, same hijacked ships, and the same moon bases.

The gameplay in Mass Effect gets old very fast with overpowered armor and no universal cooldown.

No humiliating enemies in Mass Effect 2 with crouch maneuvers, but the cover system got more entertaining.


Overall, I like them both the same, but hopefully the many mistakes will give way to the best game ever in the Winter Holidays.

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