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I accidentally deleted all my mods and they're not listed in mod manager!


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So, thinking the .zip files were no longer needed and taking up a chuck of space on my already packed-to-bursting 70GB bootcamp drive I deleted them to make room for another game. Fast foward a few months and I've decided to get back into Skyrim.


I opened up Mod Manager to be greeted with an error dialogue telling me to locate the missing mods or uninstall. Thinking I could simply reinstall and redownload the missing files, I uninstalled all the mods. Once I got into NMM, everything was gone, so now I have zero mods and three or more save files with tens of missing mods required to play them.


Needless to say I'm pretty screwed so if anyone knows a way out of this it would be much appreciated!! T_T

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You cant just redownload them?

I've installed and uninstalled probably over 100 mods and had maybe 40 or so installed at the time, I can't, for the life of me, remember all the ones I had active unfortunately.


Does nmm tell you what mods are needed?

No, all the categories are empty as if no mods were ever installed. I was under the impression uninstalled mods remained in the Mod Manager until you actively deleted them.

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