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Is this laptop good? someone help please (:


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This laptop would be my first gaming pc.

Im looking for something that could run skyrim enb mods as well as newer titles such as Witcher 3.

Does anyone think this laptop would be a good buy? If not, which prebuilt laptop do you recommend?




Processor: 3.6 GHz Core i7-4720HQ


Hard Drive: 1 TB

Graphics Coprocessor: NVIDIA Geforce GTX960M

Graphics Card Ram Size: 2000 MB


P.S. I already considered building a PC but would much rather buy a prebuilt for my very first gaming pc.

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That's actually a really good laptop, if you're concerned about running Fo4 on that thing don't be, you should be able to run it on high. I suspect it'll last you a good 5 or more years. My laptop can run Skyrim with 70+ mods on low settings at an fps of about 20-30 and I'm sure Fallout 4 on low will be similar with minimal mods, so I'm not TOO worried (though I am a bit).

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This laptop would be my first gaming pc.

Im looking for something that could run skyrim enb mods as well as newer titles such as Witcher 3.

Does anyone think this laptop would be a good buy? If not, which prebuilt laptop do you recommend?




Processor: 3.6 GHz Core i7-4720HQ


Hard Drive: 1 TB

Graphics Coprocessor: NVIDIA Geforce GTX960M

Graphics Card Ram Size: 2000 MB


P.S. I already considered building a PC but would much rather buy a prebuilt for my very first gaming pc.

Yep, decent laptop right here (if you have $1k to throw at it). What OS is on it Gettin an SSD to replace that HDD?

Edited by MotoSxorpio
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Agreed on it looking like a good system (the specs are very solid). The only thing I'd be cautious about, and by that I mean do a little bit of review-checking and whatnot, is if MSI's support has improved in the last few years. I remember years ago (we're talking probably ten years ago here) their customer support was not all that great - like emails going unanswered and RMAs not ever coming back to you "not all that great." Things certainly could have turned around in that time, and part of my reason for posting this is I'm hoping someone will come in and go "no man, I have an MSI, and their service rocks!"


If you want to buy a pre-build, you may also consider a desktop if that's possible. It'd give you more options for upgrading in the future (e.g. you could swap the graphics card out), but price-wise would probably be pretty similar (actually building your own machine would probably end up pretty similar in price too; $1k is not bad at all).


Just using Amazon's "suggested products" thing from the MSI's page, it found this Asus that already has an SSD, IPS screen, same/similar hardware, and is only $100 more: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00T7XRGGC/ref=psdc_565108_t3_B00TI6TASK Might be worth a look at least.

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I'd personally get a Lenovo, they are completely customisable, and you can clean them out easily.
With other brands, you have to take apart the whole laptop before you can even think about reaching the fan and heat sink of it.

Edited by Belgianfox
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