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Crazy Robes!


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Now I'm sure this is caused by something I'm running, but my game has issues with a specific type of clothing. Monk robes, a certain modded Archmage's Robe (either from Slof's Robe Trader or Mage Equipment), the backpiece of the skirt in this armor... http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35125


I think they all use the same resource- hanging strips of fabric- and so it's probably a bad... I'd GUESS texture, but I'm not sure. I just don't know what I'm trying to track down. Anyone else ever experience this? (By this, I mean the texture gets stretched like crazy, sometimes in long strips across entire cells and others in a tangled bundle that blasts the screen until it's removed.)


Major clothing-related mods being used: Robert's Female and Robert's Male w/clothing replacement, Slof's Robe Trader, Mage Equipment, and of course the unofficial patches are installed. I've also got Qarl's texture pack installed, but that wasn't always the case and this has happened with previous installs. It's never thrown a CTD, but it gets irritating in a big hurry.

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Slof's Robe Trader and some other equipments require skeleton replacement, for some parts are rigged to tail bone. You have to replace default skeleton.nif to default beast race skeletons(AlienSlof includes that in her archives), or install Maximum compatibility Skeleton.
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