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Script request: Detect life/dead looping/cycleing.


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If you did not know detect life/dead is a one shot deal it detects targets within range but dose not refresh what is detected until its completely recast.


Would like a script to be made for detect life/dead magic effects, it cycles/loops the effect during a spells time frame, this way its always adding new detections, cycle it every 3-5 or so seconds.


Making it work like nighteyes would be nice as I can make that into a concentration, fire and forget and toggle spell/power/voice/thing.

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I happen to have this lying around for exactly this purpose, so I'll go ahead and post it. However, I'll also say that I have since stopped using this script and switched to using a cloak spell instead.

Scriptname BasicPulseSpell extends activemagiceffect  

actor Caster
actor Target

spell property SpellToPulse auto

float property IntervalinSeconds = 1.0 auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Caster = akCaster
	Target = akTarget

	SpellToPulse.Cast(Caster, Target)



Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)



Event OnUpdate()

	SpellToPulse.Cast(Caster, Target)
Edited by lofgren
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