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I want to make a home mod, where to start?

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I've been wanting to make a home mod, where should I start? I know I don't want to use any vanilla buildings, and I'll be using a few resources from the Nexus. Any good building resources, that I might've looked over?

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Check out tlafoon's resources on nexus he has some meshes that will work as homes.


Also try Tamira's conversions of Stroti Oblivion stuff.

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Too lazy to dig out Nexus links, here's a list that has a "Buildings" section: http://geekdominthenorth.net/resources/comprehensive-list-of-modders-resources/


Here's some new stuff that may not be on the above list: http://geekdominthenorth.net/resources/new-resources/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some scripting and retexturing of existing assets can go a long way. Think of features that might add to immersion or would be useful.

Sorry, for replying so late, I've been busy. Unfortunately, I don't know scripting, I've been searching for a good tutorial, but to no avail(probably just overlooking), Also, I've thought about doing retextures, and have actually tried, but I realized, that I fail at it. Thanks for the advice though, I'm definitely never done learning, and plan on trying to dive back into both.

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I'd advise looking up a tutorial on texturing in nifskope its very easy once you get the hang of it. Also one trick you may not easily find is after you re- texture an object in nifskope right click anywhere on the screen, select batch, then select update all tangent spaces this will make a vast improvement on your textures rendering shadows in game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

even easier than using NIFSkope to retexture is to simply create a texture set in the CK and apply it to a model. You just go to the Texture Set tab on the left pane, create a new item, define the texture and the matching normal map, then you edit the model you want to alter and redefine what texture it uses on the listed parts on the left for the model (the screen where you click to define the mesh for that form). Just make sure to rename and create a new object off the object or all of that object in the game will be changed. NIFSkope is of course more versatile because you can adjust the UV texture mapping (how the texture aligns on the mesh) so you can fine tune things a bit, but simple color replacers work simply via the texture set method and it can do wonders to making a new space look unique.


Here's a simple scripting 101 tutorial I made on my blog that gives a very basic overview of the main components of scripting. Then I would go to the Creation Kit wiki and start at the beginning there. https://arcadiamgames.wordpress.com/2015/05/29/scripting-101/

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