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Custom race merchants display 'I HAVE NO GREETING' message


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So, I'm trying to make a shop mod to sell all my old stuff, and I've thrown in two custom races to cover the merchants I want.


Now, when I leave the races playable, there's no issue and the dialogue works as it's meant to (I've set the races to use vanilla voices- one race uses the Redguard voice and the other uses the Imperial voice), but I don't want the races to be playable, so I uncheck the box, save and fire up the game. Now the merchants give me the 'I HAVE NO GREETING' message and I can't do anything with them. Insert rage here.


Essentially, what I want to know is if there's a way to avoid making the races playable? Any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated!!! Please keep in mind that I've only ever used the CS to add clothing/armour/weapons to private chests and to make races, so this is the first time I'm doing something new. I'm following the tutorial on making your first shop on the CS Wiki, and I've searched high and low for a fix, but I've not had any luck. Help!

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As far as I know (and have learned here on the Nexus) this won't work at all if you make them unplayable. That's the reason why the races of custom NPCs from mods always spam your race menu. If you make them unplayable, their dialogue disappears, quests are broken and so on and so forth.


The only mod where I have seen this work was VanillaBean's Romuska Fantasy Store. His apple head merchants are unplayable and capslock you with the "I HAVE NO GREETING" too, but they still have the button to open the buy/sell window.

Edited by chakaru11
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No, she's not. I don't understand the relevance. Like I said, the dialogue works when the race is set to playable, so I don't think being SI-aware will affect it.


(Wow, that sounds totally agro. Tone really IS hard to convey over the internet... Sorry if I seem bitchy; it's just the way I talk. :S)

Edited by DesuChan
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Now that I've read it the conditions seem to be the problem, as the requirements for the dialog include "IsPlayableRace"... Maybe if you copy the greeting dialog and change the IsPlayableRace condition to GetInFaction == PlayerFaction for those dialogs then you might be able to circumvent the problem.
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