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new creatures


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I want to see more interesting scamps and rats and mudcrabs and other low-lifes. I want more than ten varieties of zombie (varied meshes). I want to fight a lot more NPCs like highwaymen and the like. I enjoy dueling with a person more than fighting a creature. I want to see the trolls reworked, because in Oblivion they are horribly ugly and not really menacing.
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I would like to see all matter of wildlife be it lions tigers and beats oh my! Also badgers wolverines primates reptiles (I know it will be cold but why not) better undead ie animaland humanoid undead I would also like to see better trolls and I would live to see like small tribes of the shamanistic orcs like the stupid roid raging orcs the ones that didn't get the memo saying hey u orcs were smart and refined now. And why not have a cult

Who worship the dragons who,s soul purpose is to kill dragonborn

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I wouldn't count on seeing guars and other critters native to Morrowind in Skyrim.


The mountain ranges to the west have isolated the creatures of Morrowind from those of the other provinces, and this has allowed the unique environment created by Red Mountain to shape the flora and fauna to the point where some species depend on the ashfall for survival.

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If there's any justice in this world, Will-o-the-Wisps will be plentiful in Skyrim. ;)


Oh how I hate those creatures. They go invisible, creep up on you then damage your attributes!


But yeah, I would like to see more variation in the creatures. There was quite a lot in Oblivion but they got old after not too long and the combat was just... boring... So better creature combat too. I'm not meaning to criticize Bethesda, I know they did the best with what they had at the time, just sayin'. :P

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