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Accepting Fallout Canon Requests

Tony the Wookie

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I'm also doing some concepts for 'The Calculator's' robots.


A lot of the stuff from Fallout Tactics lost a bit of the art style of Fallout Retro Futurism and is more in line with popular videogames in 2001, so I am going to do a good deal of re-designing on all the stuff to fit with the modern Fallout games.

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There is some "classified" stuff that I've been heavily researching for a tactics based mod (it was for another developer) even that developer's name is classified.


However if you're interested in a pretty good theory on linking tactics to Vegas. I'll be more than happy to let you review it if you want to.


Also it would be sooo awesome to see some of those pacification robots roaming around!

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Maybe you can create a Fallout new lands mod that takes place in the Fallout 1 period before the Jackals and Vipers were wiped out. Playing as Harold before he went full on Ghoul. The game ending when he's knocked out by the robot crane and discovered.

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