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Need Help with the GECK

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Alright, so I've been making a vault, and I've been having a few issues with the cell.




http://imgur.com/a/pfEL9 This is the album I made to picture the issues I am having.




In the first picture, the issue is one with rooms. When I saved my esp and reloaded it once, the rooms caused an issue that made many of the pieces in the cell disappear. It doesn't affect the cell when you play it in game, but it makes it a lot harder to edit either the rooms and portals, or the rest of the cell, as you can't see what you're trying to change. I have a temporary fix, which is to filter for room markers in the cell view and edit the z value on the axis by adding a prefix of -50, moving the room markers far from the rest of the pieces of the cell.




The only way I can think of fixing this permanently is to delete all of the room markers, finish with the rest of the cell and then re-do the room markers and portals.




Also on the topic of rooms and portals, has anyone got any tips on drawing portals correctly the first time? I find it difficult to properly connect the portals to the rooms as described in the Bethesda tutorial. Are the rooms supposed to intersect on the exact same point, and then is that where you're supposed to place the portal, then link it to both rooms? What happens if two rooms overlap (for example, if you have one room above another on the Z-axis, and you pull the room marker on the upper level down 32 units below the floor of the upper level, making it intersect with the room belonging to the lower level, making the two rooms overlap, will this negatively affect anything beyond making it a little bit harder to select the correct room when linking it to a portal? (If anyone has an in-depth guide to getting rooms and portals correct, I would really appreciate it, thanks)




Moving onto the second and third picture, this is something that has only just started happening. I know that there are pieces in the empty spaces circled, as shown in the fifth picture, you can see that I have something selected in the cell view, but it's not appearing in the render window. This too, will make it difficult to edit the cell layout.




Finally, the fourth picture. In the circled area, you can see that there's a part missing. This occurred when I was trying to place lighting, and, moving a light to that area, the piece that was there seemed to disappear. I'm not sure if it just went invisible, or if it was teleported some distance away, but for whatever reason any piece I try to place in that spot disappears before I can align it. You can probably tell why this makes it so hard to work with.




Thanks for reading, and for any help you may be able to offer.

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When I saved my esp and reloaded it once, the rooms caused an issue that made many of the pieces in the cell disappear.

View - Show/Hide - Rooms and portals >>> could be simply that?



Moving onto the second and third picture...

...Finally, the fourth picture

I've never experienced anything like that. The only thing I can think about is something's hidden in the View menu. Other than that, try to re-render the render window, pressing A twice (turn on / off lights), and delete the d3d9.dll if you're going to work on GECK, but I doubt you have it. Sorry I can't think to anything else.



Also on the topic of rooms and portals, has anyone got any tips on drawing portals correctly the first time?

If you snap to grid, you shouldn't have big issues. Put a higher grid value in case you still have issues.



Are the rooms supposed to intersect on the exact same point, and then is that where you're supposed to place the portal, then link it to both rooms?

See the rooms as 2... rooms (...) and the portal is the door. They are 2 big primitives with a face (or part of it) in common, where you draw your portal which is somewhat a "hole" on it.

When you are inside a primitive, you can see only objects inside that primitive, or things in another primitive if you look across a portal. So usually you draw a room in coincidence with the walls of a "real room", or maybe a bunch of rooms, and then you draw a portal in coincidence of a door.



What happens if two rooms overlap

You should see in game parts of the room appearing and disappearing when you pass from a primitive to another.

Edited by Fallout2AM
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When I saved my esp and reloaded it once, the rooms caused an issue that made many of the pieces in the cell disappear.

View - Show/Hide - Rooms and portals >>> could be simply that?



Moving onto the second and third picture...

...Finally, the fourth picture

I've never experienced anything like that. The only thing I can think about is something's hidden in the View menu. Other than that, try to re-render the render window, pressing A twice (turn on / off lights), and delete the d3d9.dll if you're going to work on GECK, but I doubt you have it. Sorry I can't think to anything else.



Also on the topic of rooms and portals, has anyone got any tips on drawing portals correctly the first time?

If you snap to grid, you shouldn't have big issues. Put a higher grid value in case you still have issues.



Are the rooms supposed to intersect on the exact same point, and then is that where you're supposed to place the portal, then link it to both rooms?

See the rooms as 2... rooms (...) and the portal is the door. They are 2 big primitives with a face (or part of it) in common, where you draw your portal which is somewhat a "hole" on it.

When you are inside a primitive, you can see only objects inside that primitive, or things in another primitive if you look across a portal. So usually you draw a room in coincidence with the walls of a "real room", or maybe a bunch of rooms, and then you draw a portal in coincidence of a door.



What happens if two rooms overlap

You should see in game parts of the room appearing and disappearing when you pass from a primitive to another.


No. It's not that the rooms are disappearing, it's that pieces of the layout disappear.


Thanks for the advice, it will come in handy.

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