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Is this a missing mesh?


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I notice this when crossing the bridge out of Riverwood heading to Whiterun. I've noticed this through quite a few load outs and for some reason, I only seem to see it here in this particular tree. I've seen the "purplish" color for missing textures, but this one is reddish in color. Is this a missing mesh? The texture mods I'm using on this load out is; SMIM, 2K HD. I don't use any flora overhauls or Lush trees or grass in this one.



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Missing mesh and missing texture are entirely different. A missing mesh is diagnosed by a giant exclamation mark inside of a giant yellow or red semi transparent block. Missing textures are always diagnosed by a flat purple place holder texture. Your picture is a bit small and far away but it doesn't look like a missing mesh from what I can see of it. Looks more like you've got a bird stuck in the tree and it's having some texture issues that cause it to stretch oddly.

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That's exactly what it is. Looks like the FXBirdFlockFleePineACT used to make a flock of birds flee from their roost when an actor or player approaches. If the bird is not hidden in a tree trunk or some brush, you would see it just hanging in mid air waiting for the activation. You were just in the right place at the right time to see it.

Edited by Aragorn58
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Lol! Thanks guys, I never would've guessed a "flock" spawn point. I've included some new mods in this build out and it's def giving me a few turns for my money - though now, I'm going to take a week or so off and get back to recording some music, been missing out out that.


The next thing I need to try and figure out is why when using ASIS, Dual Sheath Redux and AFT which are new to me, I'm leveling up skills my followers are apparently using. When Cerwiden uses destruction magic and i'm just a elven archer, I get the destruction magic leveled up notification as if it were me leveling up. It's the same with two-handed and Vilja. I just migrated from UFO to AFT and I'm thinking that this along with ASIS is somehow linking the player to the follower, not sure yet.


One things for sure. I'll never get all this done before Fallout 4 hits. Lol!

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