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Geck cell issues

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Hey all, I'lve run into some trouble when loading interior cells. I'm trying to place a few items in Doc Mitchell's house, but everytime I load the cell the geck crashes. This isn't an issue with most cells, as they'll crash only if I act frantically with the camera, only Mitchell's is giving me issues.



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Hum... what ESMs are you using for your mod? Also, is this a recent thing, or did you do some alterations to your mod which might have triggered the problem? Stuff that might cause crashing of this sort in one and only cell are limited to mainly quest scripting.


Also, you said "Most Cells" as in there is some crashing in other cells? I want to clarify this because if that is the case then the error can and will be easier to find and deal with. Assuming its many interior cells for your alteration, then that means you've likely deleted some important data component in your esp which is causing the issue.

Edited by jcdenton2012
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Hum... what ESMs are you using for your mod? Also, is this a recent thing, or did you do some alterations to your mod which might have triggered the problem? Stuff that might cause crashing of this sort in one and only cell are limited to mainly quest scripting.


Also, you said "Most Cells" as in there is some crashing in other cells? I want to clarify this because if that is the case then the error can and will be easier to find and deal with. Assuming its many interior cells for your alteration, then that means you've likely deleted some important data component in your esp which is causing the issue.


Actually, I'm just adding some vanilla assets to to another building. The only ESM I'm loading is the main game itself. I did add some custom armors to the game not long ago, but they're not even being selected for this.


I mind as well say all interior cells at this point. When I went back in the GECK the only interior that I have successfully loaded, and crashed after some camera movement, was the abandoned shack in Goodsprings. :S

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... That doesn't sound... right. So, your only loading FalloutNVESM for this mods dependencies, and you have altered nothing in terms of the original ESM using your ESP? Furthermore, this is crippling all interior cells?


OK... hum... is your GECK patched along with your game? I know that's a silly thing to ask, but you would be amazed how its the small stupid stuff that gets you. Also, have you tried creating a new esp, saving, and reloading; just to see if the crashing is still occurring without alterations? My thinking is that... well... you shouldn't be experiencing any problems, assuming your original esp made no changes to the core ESM's datapile... and your errors might be firmware related.

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The only changes I can think of to the original ESM, if it's even affected by it, has been in the ini file. I made some tweaks for performance, and to use the Darnified interface.


I downloaded the Geck 6 months ago, but it appears the latest version came out a couple years before that anyway. I'm using an esp of mine to see if there could be another issue, bit it loads the data without any issues. Should I try verifying the integrity of the game with steam? Strangely I'm having no issues loading the larger exterior environments. Geck makes no sense. >_>

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Nope, that shouldn't cause these errors. An ESM is just an archive of all the content in the game which allows you to manipulate it easily. Whether or not you tripped out the games ini is irrelevant because the GECK uses its own ini.


So everything is patched... and a new esp can be loaded multiple times without issue. OK, we sorted out that this isn't your firmware. This is clearly something wrong with your current esp which is malfunctioning.


You said you merged some armors into the mod. Which ones... (JC doesn't care about your porn and is only trying to help), and did you make any other alterations... like to venders or scripts? I keep coming back to stuff like this because if the GECK is crashing then something important has been deleted and the game is preventing you from saving. Otherwise... I have no idea...

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One of the armor sets is an ESM from here: https://bunsaki.wordpress.com/2014/11/01/waataamooteeeeeeee/#comments. The other is a simple re texture of the DDS file I made for some combat armor. Both are not being used when I'm working on the new ESP.


After further testing there are a few interiors that will load, caves, tunnels, sewer systems, and other similar environments. Just about all building interiors, on the other hand, cause a crash. It seems it can't load environments that have a lot of vanilla assets lying around. Books, trays, brooms, bodies, ect. =/ I'm not sure if this helps, but that's about the best I can narrow it down to. Could CPU affect what's happening? I'm using an AMD 8320, but was planning on upgrading to a 4790 later on.

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OK... let me think... hum... all those areas have in common is the havoc engine and potentially their NPC templates. Hey, the armor items, what are their real world pick-ups? Is it a box, or... armor piece, because this is what I'm thinking, the in-game world pickup might be set as some sort of common item, like... I don't know, a vault suit, but instead of making the pick-up its own unique thing the pick-up might be set to replace some sort of in-game item. For example, in order to pick up this armor, the in-game pick-up is set as all metal armors. This would definitely cause the crashing since several of the default humanoid npcs are based off of templates, and if something replaces their gear in the templates then it can and will have a trickle down effect which can and will conflict with what those NPCs are scripted to wear or not wear, when and where.


Take a look at those armors and see if they are replacing like all of a certain type of item. For example, if the new armors are replacing ALL, raider armors.

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OK... let me think... hum... all those areas have in common is the havoc engine and potentially their NPC templates. Hey, the armor items, what are their real world pick-ups? Is it a box, or... armor piece, because this is what I'm thinking, the in-game world pickup might be set as some sort of common item, like... I don't know, a vault suit, but instead of making the pick-up its own unique thing the pick-up might be set to replace some sort of in-game item. For example, in order to pick up this armor, the in-game pick-up is set as all metal armors. This would definitely cause the crashing since several of the default humanoid npcs are based off of templates, and if something replaces their gear in the templates then it can and will have a trickle down effect which can and will conflict with what those NPCs are scripted to wear or not wear, when and where.


Take a look at those armors and see if they are replacing like all of a certain type of item. For example, if the new armors are replacing ALL, raider armors.


First, thanks a lot for baring with me through this mess. XD


Second I took a look through the files and, believe it or not I did set the the new custom armor as a vault suit for its in world display. I don't believe it could be replacing any armors though, as I gave it it's own unique ID and name, and the regular vault suit still remains unchanged.

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OK, if the armors have there own unique ID then that's not it... wow, running out of ideas here. When you added the armors... did you duplicate a container and not change that containers ID code? By the way, we are reaching the bottom of the barrel here. This is... pretty much the only remaining thing that can cause this problem... unless you locked the container and selected a scripted key to unlock it... but that should only CTD a single interior cell... not all of them.

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