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Imperial Manor Seeks Modeler


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This is for my "Imperial Manor - Museum Storage and Supply House" mod for which I'm currently working on developing an extensive/dynamic/flexible bandit siege quest to help give players much wiggle room in approaches and a definite sense of having earned the Manor beyond the initial and simple limitation currently in place. Another major part of the overhaul will be a chain-link command style for the staff unlocked only once once you start the quest, but enough about that! The core architecture for the Manor uses the Blackwood Company set which needs at least some fixing if for no other reason than some added realism in the vanilla game use.


In short, I'm looking for a modeler to make all (or most) windows match inside and out. Basically more windows show inside than out I think though ultimately I may want to add a few more for my mod in certain key areas such as the Tree Room. In some cases adding windows make not be possible due to sizing imbalances and whatnot and I'm fine with that. I just want to get it as close as possible without having to resize floor space and walls.


I'm looking for experienced modelers who can hopefully "shortcut" some more realistic results into the Blackwood exterior/interior set (and correct an error in the 'All Natural' version as well - my mod has versions that both use and don't use 'All Natural' for flexibility).


When I say "shortcut" I mean I hope that most of this can be done in a "copy and paste" style in order to save time. For example: copy a window within the model and paste it on in another location. I'm not sure if this can even be done and don't even want to try since my only skill and focus is building with existing pieces and making quests and stories around them. Of course I'd be willing to take any and all combinations of parts leading up to my goal if you just want to help me even piecemail.


And for my mod specifically I may actually not need a couple of windows over which I put shutters outside to simulate that they should really not even be there. (Though faked-use shutters do add a nice detail wherever they may be too much blank space so this one detail is not as crucial.)


First, all inside windows should match what is shown on the exterior. And some sort of a small seperate mesh "cap" fix that could be placed over unused windows would be great as well if that's not too demanding. Secondly the corner interior cell with the Tree Room should show more windows and all those windows should be showing on the outside as well.


That's the basics of it. Feel free to contact me here or in PM for any questions of more details of what I'm looking for or for what portion you may be willing to contribute even a small bit of work towards.


P.S. Also if you'd be interested in play-testing the new quest and reporting bugs then please let me know if you use "All Natural" or not and I can put up a beta 'Quest' version for you to try out.

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I'd be happy to help with what you are suggesting but I can not even run this mod.

Even after extracting the files to do a manual installation I'm getting CTD.


Having loaded it into CSE I can see certain issues but have not found a direct cause for CTD at this stage


So, I'm pretty sure I can do the modeling for what you suggest in reasonable turn around but I need to see the mod in game.

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Hi, glowplug. I have not heard of any bug reports for this mod so this is quite new to me. And of course I have rarely encountered these myself -- not that they don't exist if some users simply aren't reporting them. I don't pretend to be a perfect and most expert modder as I have been doing this on and off for years with mostly (as far as I can tell) successful results. However, I am a bit of a perfectionist and strive to streamline with the most effective results as possible.


So if you can please narrow down a list of probabilities for your most unfortunate CTD by first telling me if you are using the "All Natural" version or not? Also, any other "issues" you can help me to solve by listing them I would most certainly appreciate and implement into any and all future designing endeavors.

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I was using the No Weather version.


The OBSE plugins I have are "Blockhead.dll", "Construction Set Extender.dll", "EnhancedMusicControl 2.dll", "obse_jail_fix.dll", "OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll" and "obse_training_fix.dll".


I have a vanilla installation folder backed up and can restart from that if needed.

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Looks like there is still a dependance on All Natural (AN). If you or anyone else reading this can help describe how I can safely remove this dependance without altering the original AN .esm file I'd be thankful. As per my mod description page, the non-AN version was never tested. My apologies to anyone who tried this version but had any difficulties.


Also I remember reading a while ago about a way to load two different games of Oblivion on the same machine so that, for example, people can have a way to test mods in an all vanilla mode while still keeping their modded version. Can anyone link me to that or give me a search-able name?



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Sorry about taking so long to get back to you.


In the time that it takes to explain I'd rather see what I can do first.

In the meantime if you install TES4Gecko...

  • open TES4Gecko
  • click Edit Master List
  • select 'All Natural Base.esm'
  • click Remove

It will message the first dependent EditorID it finds - ignore the first 2 chars as they are load order.

Search on that in CSE using Edit -> Find Text.

With whatever you find you have to work out how to un-reference it.

If it is a Water Type you duplicate it then find any Interior or Worldspace cells that reference it to change to your mod's new one.

If the Water Type has a sound specific to 'All Natural Base.esm' then you need to replace that in the same manner.


Edit: I forgot that it is better to include the first 2 digits unless you don't find anything.

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After checking things over I have to ask whether you have altered Weather - All Natural on your rig by mistake.


To get it to run without Weather - All Natural I had to use TES4Gecko 'Clean Plugin' first.

After that I used the Edit Master List for Remove then clicked 'Yes' each time that it prompted.

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Now that you mention it, I may have accidentally moved something by mistake in an 'All Natural' modified cell or two in the AN version. Beyond that there are no other "accidental" changes I can think of. Then all I did in the non-dependant version was to directly remove as many dependant sources as I could think of in the CS. This includes removing AN weather from the windowed cells and all their rain boxes.


So ignore your first post instructions and just go with the second?

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Yes, the second.

Just to clarify...


  1. Make sure you have TES4Gecko Version 15.2 installed (check from Help -> About on the menubar)
  2. Click "Clean Plugin" select "Legends - Imperial Manor No Weather" then click "Open", wait then click "Ok"
  3. Click "Edit Master List" select "Legends..." then click "Open"
  4. Select "All Natural Base.esm" then "Remove"
  5. Click "Yes" (NOTE: Yes to all will not work) for however many times required.

That should work if not PM me so I get back to you sooner.

Good luck

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I had almost completely forgetten about tes4gecko! After some fussing about I think I have gotten it working again on my new setup and again realize how much I absolutely need it. If that's all it takes then supporting both versions should be cake. I just keep updating the AN version and when ready, follow these same steps to make the "no weather" version.


And I just uploaded a patch esp for this version, so if anyone who doesn't use AN can verify it's working then I will know that I have done everything correctly.


Well I'm guessing this is not possible and have not looked into it myself, but I suppose there is no way you can use transparent windows and script the cells to use whatever weather the player is using, whether vanilla or modded of any type?

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