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Opening container slowdown (but goes away if I alt-tab!) ...?

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Didn't always have this issue, and I'm not sure what the cause of it is but maybe by the very specific symptom I'm hoping someone might have an idea as to the issue?


Basically, after a playing for a little while the game will hang for 1-2 seconds whenever I open any container or corpse, sometimes the audio will stutter during this as well. However, if I alt-tab out then back in it will actually go away for a bit.

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It's probably memory leakage. Fallout games are known for having this issue. I use Zan AutoPurge Crash Protector - New Vegas Edition myself and find that it works pretty well in stopping this from happening though not completely. If I start having the issue and it won't clear I will sometimes have to do a save and then reload that save right away and it generally will clear up. Worst case is that if it doesn't then quit and restart the game.

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