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quick question regarding invisible body parts with gear equipped


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Ok, so I'm new to modding, and I've already gotten stumped by a number of things and managed to figure them out... But this one I really need help on...


I went to try editing some random gear, mainly changing the texture and the scale of the item with nifskope, which I'm also totally new at...


Now, after several frustrations and learning through trial and error, I finally got the item textured and scaled to where I wanted it. I placed it in a chest via the CS, and loaded up oblivion, then tried equipping it and, success, it looked perfect.


Then I closed oblivion, did some COMPLETELY irrelevant things that had nothing to do with the files I had used, or even oblivion... Then the next time I loaded oblivion up, the armor I had altered, when equipped, made my characters torso invisible... I didn't change anything, and I have no idea why this happened, but it's so incredibly frustrating after all the fuss I went through to get it right.


So can anyone please tell me why this happens, or how to fix it, or any info at all about this damned issue. I don't understand why it worked at first, then just magically stopped working the 2nd time, it makes no sense at all to me. I keep running into the same damn wall, and I can't find an answer on google, because every time I search, I get a billion results that are completely unrelated. Is there at least a very specific name or term for this issue that would make it easier to find an answer to? Please give me some pointers here, any at all, and thank you for reading this.

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If it worked the first time but not the next, then SOMETHING happened in-between. Open up the mesh in Nifskope. Can you see it's textures? If not, then the paths are incorrect, or the textures have been removed/renamed, or something similar.
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