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More male armor/clothes mods


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While more new male armors could never be a bad thing; you will never be able to make sexy female armor less popular than any realistic armor as long as males are still the gaming majority. Duke Nukem, for instance, is popular because it sells to the majority of gamers. I'm all for more male armor, but gamers will always want sexy armor anyway.
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While more new male armors could never be a bad thing; you will never be able to make sexy female armor less popular than any realistic armor as long as males are still the gaming majority. Duke Nukem, for instance, is popular because it sells to the majority of gamers. I'm all for more male armor, but gamers will always want sexy armor anyway.

More Mimi and dolly dress things happen if gaming majority changes to female ( look at the sims series). :teehee:


I'm fine with male vanilla armours actually. The problem was the body outline itself; docile face with gaunt muscle, this gonna be changed in Skyrim seems however, my first character will be a Conan (with beard) folding arms with 'skimpy' lady companion!


There will be more male armors for Skyrim by the same reason I suspect.

But still, sexy female outfits are always (and much) in demand. Truth to death.

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The difference in the number of male/female mods is that men like to see women dressed up and looking good and so do women. Men don't care (generally) about men dressed up so the market is smaller for mens clothing/armor that market being limited to women and the few men who want nice looking males vs the market of almost all males and females that like to see nice looking women.
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I don't usually play as males and I kinda prefer seeing a bit of skin, but I would like to see more male armor mods to throw some variety into the mix because right now the ratio is pretty unbalanced.
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I know I will make stuff for males... and I know when AlienSlof gets Skyrim she will too. :D



Well I'm still alive and kicking. I have plans too. And they intend to be badasss.



Gotcha! You better start drawing armour concepts soon. These posts will be my proof! :biggrin:

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The reality is this... Women are nice to look at and both sexes tend to agree on this simple fact with a few justifiable exceptions. The problem however is that men; some men, being men, and being desperate, oversexed, tend to take this fact to an extreme... then latch onto components of that extreme and distort them to strange and unusual proportions. The other part of it is that several artists of fantasy have focused mostly on scantily clad women in barely armor as their sole subject, then there is inspiration from anime and manga which tends toward its own forms of sexism... Then there is the greater variety of styles deemed feminine which plays a strong role in not only game content creation but nearly every content market dealing with appearance.


In short, I wouldn't hold my breath. Even Morrowind which mostly lacked gender-specific/varied equipment, and was far less friendly toward new mesh/texture creation, had far more female armor mods than male ones.

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The reality is this... Women are nice to look at and both sexes tend to agree on this simple fact with a few justifiable exceptions. The problem however is that men; some men, being men, and being desperate, oversexed, tend to take this fact to an extreme... then latch onto components of that extreme and distort them to strange and unusual proportions. The other part of it is that several artists of fantasy have focused mostly on scantily clad women in barely armor as their sole subject, then there is inspiration from anime and manga which tends toward its own forms of sexism... Then there is the greater variety of styles deemed feminine which plays a strong role in not only game content creation but nearly every content market dealing with appearance.


In short, I wouldn't hold my breath. Even Morrowind which mostly lacked gender-specific/varied equipment, and was far less friendly toward new mesh/texture creation, had far more female armor mods than male ones.

Yet another piece of evidence proving the fact that Vagrant0 is always right. :P

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Men are being desperate, probably. They are beast, certainly. But maybe? :biggrin:


According to my personal experince of attending nude drawing class for several years, either male & female students felt natural feeling than sexual toward sexy scantily clad figures, especially when orange-yellow dimmed light softly make the beautiful contour of bodies, it was pure art.


Humen are creative, and when it is mingled with his/or her imagery of beauty figures, it's pretty natural same goes to game mod creation. It's just not all about sexism and sexual matters. (and doesn't need to mention that lovely ladies have been the subject of beauty since the Ice Age! )

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