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Empty ESM

Morsul Q

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advice, dont use a master file, it only causes problems. a friend of mine used a ESM for his mod, and it screwed up the game, stick with the ESP :D
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advice, dont use a master file, it only causes problems. a friend of mine used a ESM for his mod, and it screwed up the game, stick with the ESP :D

I'm not sure what you mean by this. I used an ESM/ESP implementation for my Lamps of Oblivion mod and have had no problems other than one person trying to use the ESP only and not enabling the ESM which causes immediate crashes.


Normally, you create the mod as a normal ESP plugin and put all your assets/variables/etc. in this file and then use a conversion utility to change it into an ESM once you've finished adding all the stuff you're gonna need. Then you create another ESP based off that ESM (to make it dependent) and pull assets from that ESM and place them ingame via the ESP file. If you need to add new items during the development phase, you'll need to re-convert the ESM back to an ESP, make the additions, reconvert back to ESM and make sure the dependent ESP file still works. Try not to ever make changes to the ESM once the mod is released. Sorry for the over-simplification but that is the gist of how it works.

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all I am saying is ESms seem to cause problems, REALLY bad problems :D

I'm just trying to understand if the ESM files themselves are the problems or how they are being used. I kinda think that using ESM files work since every mod published here uses at least Oblivion.esm.

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I suspect that Vulture's experience is solely with .ESMs IN ADDITION TO Oblivion.ESM. Since (if I understand the intent of the topic starter correctly) this would be INSTEAD of oblivion.ESM, problems would only occur if someone left Oblivion.ESM active.
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Here's a thread on making clean master files:




The gist of it is that it's not that master files automatically cause problems, it's just that they can ONLY contain new material (NOT change existing game material).

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