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Co-op and Arenas


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I can see there is a huge fracture here between supporters and opponents, and I totally understand it


On one hand I love having this massive world to myself, doing my own thing at my own time, exploration, freedom, not having to deal with other people's squawking (which is endemic in any MMO)


On the other hand, I ADORE co-op play (read: limited co-op, ie. less than 4 players)--and a co-op TES game would just make me go into a coma with happiness and, oh yes, REPLAYABILITY BETHESDA, think of the replayability with a co-op function


Several problems I can see from the outset regarding a co-op TES:

--I doubt Bethesda would ever release a standard, stand-alone TES title featuring co-op until they had tried it out on a less-expensive prospect, perhaps an expansion or better yet, monitor a user-made mod featuring co-op and see how that fares--maybe they would even buy it if it was popular enough (like Valve buying Counterstrike)--if they saw potential marketability in co-op TES then they might create one for the future but this looks very far down the road, if ever


--the actual gameworld would have to be identical for each player on the server; same mods, same downloads, same content, for everyone to be able to actually be in sync with each other--as we all know, there are boatloads of nifty mods, so getting everyone's content together is next to impossible (I am aware of some custom MMO features, such as custom UIs, so maybe some stuff could be allowed in but it would still have to pass the co-op server scanning content upon entry)


--another problem with online RPGing is whether to make the content free or charge a monthly fee--most MMOs charge something every month while a few only charge the initial cost of the game, then regular play thereafter is free--others don't charge at all for the game or for play but in order to get the best items, weapons, armor, spells, etc. you have to spend real cash--what I'd hope for a co-op TES would be akin to the Bioware games with online co-op--buy initial said game, then have play thereafter be totally free, like many of the online FPS shooters out there (Left 4 Dead, CS, Battlefield series, Unreal Tournament in its heyday)--these games you pay for the initial cost then play online to your heart's content--the developer/publisher needs to keep and maintain servers for play, and this is one of the usual reasons for the monthly cost: to keep the servers running and pay people for customer support--so this would be a big hurdle, in a word, the financials


--a potential solution for this would be for Bethesda to create the co-op coding and release it in a client form--then players could host their own worlds/adventures as a local game on their machines and not be hindering Bethesda whatsoever--Bethesda wouldn't even have to maintain servers with this--of course, content and supervision is out of their hands now, but who cares, you know what you're getting into with multiplayer--make it with a HUGE disclaimer saying consequently anything negative to your computer from this package is entirely your fault, not Bethesda's--maybe even sell the client for a very low price


--finally, we all know how long we all played Oblivion--from the original game to the official expansion to tons of user-made content and mods, we've been playing this for 5 years now! 5 years of our lives on a single game (some of us)--Bethesda knows this and probably hopes to continue the trend of making a massively open-ended single-player game world with the potential of tons of future free content to keep their customers busy and have new players continue to buy the game (after the rave reviews, of course)--so basically, Bethesda doesn't even need online or co-op to continue making money--they're set with the current formula--so why should they want to?


I'm sure even some members of Bethesda would enjoy making and playing a co-op TES game but for a multitude of reasons, even they know it's not practical--so while I'd love to see and experience it, probably won't happen. . .unless a talented group of modders can make something happen

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I truly feel that the elder scrolls is much better off being single player!


If there was a multiplayer mode, you could say bye bye to modded content..unless everyone had the exact same mods in the exact same order..and if someone didnt, they would see giant red explanation points everywhere. Unless they made it like NWNII where you download the needed content when you join a server and can go from there.....


Would the game be hosted on someone's pc? they start a server and friends join? or would it be a "global" list of servers that you would be able to join..in which case my above comment comes into play.


Then there is also the problem of the cheaters and assclowns you would no doubt run into if there is open servers from a global list...and who would moderate these servers?


No!...the Elder Scrolls is MUCH better off being single player.


Give us Skyrim, shipped with the construction set and i think everyone will be happy! ^_^




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As long as Todd Howard as any say in the matter, co-op won't ever make it's way into the game.


Thank god.


Besides the fact that it -shouldn't- be done, a point supported by some guy named Todd Howard who might know a thing or two on the topic, is the fact that it is not as simple as some people seem to think it is. Practicalities aside, a huge chunk of the code would have to be rewritten and hundreds of man hours would go into just making it possible. So say goodbye to that expansion, say goodbye to those DLCs, say goodbye to those (needed like clean water in Haiti) bug fixes and all just so you can get your bud in game.


Mute point though, it's not going to happen just like it hasn't happened for Morrowind, Oblivion or Fallout 3 (unless of course you count mods which utterly break the game, and either reduce it to characters running around in a dead noninteractive CG engine or reduce their characters to dead noninteractive pcs in a functioning game).

Edited by Fatalmasterpiece
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Damn people are really negative in having online in Skyrim......Would you (in a perfect world were this would be easy) LOVE to play with your friends?

I would and that why I defend Co-op (even a very simple one) in Skyrim...something like 4-6 people on server, that server being user made not a global server list (like in Minecraft).


For mods....downloading the mods like it did in Neverwinter, the server being server side.


And I really dont want them to do this NOW....now I want them to make the game as awesome as possible and then add Online in a expansion........also.....you would still be hable to use mods in singleplayer...of course....why would a online option change the fact of using mods in single player...Online and Singleplayer could be 2 diferent excutebles.


But why are people so against online in Skyrim? It wouldn't be the first Single player RPG to have online (Diablo 2 jumps to mind) so why just negative response to online?


PS: But yes I understand having things added to a game that it really dont needs........like Singleplayer in Battlefield 3

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Damn people are really negative in having online in Skyrim......Would you (in a perfect world were this would be easy) LOVE to play with your friends?

I would and that why I defend Co-op (even a very simple one) in Skyrim...something like 4-6 people on server, that server being user made not a global server list (like in Minecraft).


For mods....downloading the mods like it did in Neverwinter, the server being server side.


And I really dont want them to do this NOW....now I want them to make the game as awesome as possible and then add Online in a expansion........also.....you would still be hable to use mods in singleplayer...of course....why would a online option change the fact of using mods in single player...Online and Singleplayer could be 2 diferent excutebles.


But why are people so against online in Skyrim? It wouldn't be the first Single player RPG to have online (Diablo 2 jumps to mind) so why just negative response to online?


PS: But yes I understand having things added to a game that it really dont needs........like Singleplayer in Battlefield 3


the only way an elder scrolls game would have an enjoyable co-op is if the whole game was built around that idea, like borderlands but like borderlands other aspects of the game would suffer greatly for it. and if it would happen it'd remove just about everything that makes elder scrolls special. i dont get why people want some form of MP from every game now. NO matter what the game is, one of the first questions asked about fallout3 was "does it have MP?" or "i cant want for MP" every time i read comments like this i facepalmed in real life.

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I agree with hector, nowadays everyone feels the need to have multiplayer on everything, and honestly the last games that came out with multiplayer are so disapointing.I think elder scrolls or fallout online would kill what makes them such great games and also if it was online and moddable for what I understood, we would have to play with the mods that the server wanted and not what we wanted so I assume if the server had those gigantic fat body replacers people who like realism had to go around seeing gigantic unrealistic people, not to mention we had to play with kids allways screaming and killing everything that moves and shouldn´t even be playing the game since it´s 18+.

I like the elder scrolls as it is.

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Nobody is saying that Skyrim would ONLY online.....you could play alone if you wanted.....but....when I say online....I dont mean CoD, Battlefield or even WoW multyplayer....I mean online like Left 4 Dead, Magicka or the new game that Bethesda is publishing Hunted: The Demon Forge that while is not being made by Bethesda might show them (if the game is any good and sells well) that maybe a game with online might be something to consider.


I would be happy if you could play with ONE friend....I would LOVE that...even if that feature was a Mod I would love it.


And yes I do agree that some games just dont need online....or at least an online that not shoved in at the last minute.


I dont think that Fallout would work with online (Not the Fallout MMO thats being done by Interplay I mean Fallout by Bethesda).....because I like playing that game alone....but I like playing Oblivion with companions.....even if they are retarded....I would like to MP in Mass Effect (but not a launch) but I would hate MP in....Silent Hill....well maybe not...only if it really sucked


But would you like Bethesda to make a game focused in MP?

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